ASR: B1: Chapter 5: The Higher Truth About Abortion

In our youth and inexperience, we tried to compensate for our lack of understanding of balances and harmony with many social construct idealisms and concepts. One of which is in our faith in Gods and religion.
“God” a word. A simple word but symbolize so much of who we are. Gods symbolize the ultimate “perfect” answer to our existence. He can give us answers to all our questions and gives us directions so we would not feel so lost anymore in this maze call “life”. Our trust in the idea of Him cannot be wrong because He is “perfect”, “almighty” — The absolute we seek to find to stop all this suffering and discontentment due to the endless cycles of trials and uncertainties we are put through.
Because some of us believe reaching divinity is our ultimate end-goal in existing. Some of us live to die, so we can become a companion of this divine entity. We live with the sole purpose and goal of being worthy enough to be allowed access through His golden gate at the end of our journey. But when we live like that, we lose sight of our higher purpose. Our higher mission and reason for why we are created and send here in the first place — is lost to the superficial goals we are taught to take its place.
To many of us, divine status is an inspiration because it satisfies our ego hunger for a reachable limit. They fulfill our ego’s ideal measurement of perfection. The (flaws and) vulnerabilities that associate with life (death being but one of such) makes us seek security in idealistic concept of perfection or power — to compensate for what we fear or believe we lack. We are drawn to extraordinary powers, because our ego hunger for control and superiority to hide our vulnerabilities and fear behind. To many of us, divinity means clarities; means answers to the reason why we are here, and why we are the way we are.
Divinity means we are no longer vulnerable and lost; because we have reached the ultimate achievements, highest goals, and standard we can seek. Divinity is a status quo; it means all knowing, refinement, and sophistication — thus perfection. An absolute status that cannot be testified against. We believe once we reach that state of achievement, there can be no “wrong” only “right”, no “evil” only “good”. We are the best we can be — while residing in the most perfect and superior ideal home (Heaven). When divine, we are above humanity. A state of existence we are taught is inferior. A state we are taught we must eliminate, get out of, instead of accepting, appreciate, and grow from.
Because we are taught to look up beyond our reaches towards superiors being such as the Gods and what they have. We want more than we need. We wear rose colored glasses to blur the lines that clarifies. Because we do not want to face the blunt reality of our existence. Through rose color glasses, the harsh edges that pains us makes a better view. However, we cannot recognize and solve our problems. If we cannot see with clarity, where the problems arise from.
When we are blinded by illusions and always seeking to want more, and need more, than what can make us happy. Why would we appreciate the custom life we are given? When we are taught to constantly look elsewhere for what we are missing. Taught also to believe we are not good enough, that we are entitled to more? That we deserve more, be more, and can be given more. Why would we be satisfied with what we have and learn to know how to appreciate it?
How can we understand the purpose for our existence and accept simple, natural truths — When we believe there is always more and better out there for us to achieve? What is really enough for someone who cannot stop asking for more? Just because they believe that there is always more that they need, want, deserve, and is entitled to it? In a world taught to want, how much is enough?
When this is how we are marketed (manipulated) to see our status. We do not realize that: Perfection is an idea. Idolization is a trap. A self-set traps. That blinds us into believing it is justifiably okay to allow people to take advantages of us. Because we believe we are “willingly” doing it of our own “free will” and not manipulated into doing so. We become gullible and easily persuaded to hear only what others want us to hear; and see only what they choose for us to see; instead of what is there in front of us.
For example: abortion. We are now given the ultimate power of life and death. What do we do with it? Here is the test: Do we bring another innocent soul into this world to suffer and abandon; even though we are not ready and equipped for it. Just because we are taught that “morally” it is a “sin”. But who taught us that it is a “sin”? A self-righteous individual, teaching us their narrow-minded perspective. Using “God” as a tool for reinforcement. “God”, whom we are also taught (maybe by the same person?), to respect and fear — is their manipulative tool. A tool to manipulate and reinforce their perspective and personal value and beliefs’ — or is it “God” Himself that told us so?
If it is a “sin” to take a life before it is born into this world: Before it learned pain and suffering. Before it knows how to spread pain and suffering — thus, contributing to that cycle of pain and suffering. Then it is not a “sin” to selfishly bring one soul into this world to corrupt? To mutilate, neglect, and to transform into a weapon of mindless destruction. Destructions that cause rippling effects to other souls. Both those souls now have families, friends, and loves ones. Whom also have extended loved ones, who can feel those pain and suffering? Which is more of a “sin”?
To be selfless, wise, and informed enough to stop one soul — from entering life to suffer before it started a chain reaction because we can? Or to bring one more soul into life to effect hundreds. So that we, ourselves, are not going to be punished for the “sin” of taking that life? Is saving yourself, more important than that innocent soul and the soul of all those that it will affects? Do you really think that God, cannot see through your pretend selflessness and see the true selfishness it hides? Cannot see the origin of all those pains and suffering originated from you and not that soul?
You have many choices leading up to that path: You did not have to succumb into your basic nature and indulge yourself into performing the act that made the decision even a question. Even if you did indulge yourself by giving into your lust — You now have the means to protect yourself so that you would not have to face that intangible position that you got yourself into. But you did not act with great caution, thoroughness, and thoughtfulness in making your choice. So why should that soul and all those other souls pay for your decision? How can you think two wrongs, is a right — and ask God to ignore such thoughtlessness and ignorant? How do you expect someone of a higher intellect such as God — to be okay with such self-serving believes and perspective?
When we are taught and programmed to selfishly worry about the fate of one soul who have yet to be conscious to life, in place of a hundred whom are already here. We ignorantly and conveniently forget — that there are already hundreds. If not millions, young innocent souls already here suffering the fate of poverty…and much worst. Because of someone else’s ignorant, irresponsibility, and selfishness. Yet, instead of being wisely informed and taught to be objective about the subject. Therefore, helping us correct our mistakes. Or even taught to think of more ways to helping the current situation become better. To solve the current overwhelming problem of child poverty — by reaching out. Or contributing what you can to help one of those souls out of hardship; in place of the ones, whom you intent to bring into this world. Especially, when your condition and situation is not ideal for it.
We are indiscriminately taught ignorant in reverse to wisdom. When we are taught to see true selfless intentions and wise decisions to be selfish, while true selfishness is taught to be selfless. When we are taught to agonizes on whether we should be making more of the same mistakes with the hope that one day it ‘will work itself out’ — In place of making wiser, more informed, and more objective decision now. When we are taught by misguided, unaware, and narrow-minded people lie as truth such as this…how are we to ascended beyond their pretend wisdom?
Think, it is easy for someone to believe or teach another that abortion is a “sin.” When they are not constantly living under the stress of making ends meet and barely surviving on their own. Yes, it is easy to judge and point a finger and teach that it is a “sin.” Because they were not the one raped and traumatized by the conception, and they are not alone in a selfish world.
Remember it is always easier to have opinions, criticism, and prejudice: when you are privileged with options, opportunities, and resources. When you do not have to live in the situation nor with the consequences of your opinions. Or be face with the situation that makes up the life you criticize and judge…so carelessly simply because you can.
God did not create us all different; and put us all in various intangible situations to test us. Only then to teach us that we will all indiscriminately be judged the same. If that is the case, then Heaven is a place only for those who are born into material and superficial privileges. Because only those who has a lot, can give a little, and say it is a lot. Only those who have other options can pick and choose which options to set as standards to discriminate and judge others by.
For ages we are taught, programmed, and dictated to cater our actions and believes based upon masculine force. A force that embraces, rationalize, and amplify the raw physical power of the “man”. Survival of the strongest and most clever of the mind. Therefore, of the obvious “superiority,” that was essential in a new specie’s ability to thrive and exist. Hence, born the elaborate rules of conduct and standards to discrimination, section, and weed out the different level of abilities. Thus, the most skilled and mighty rises to be equal to Gods, while the ones that lack the obvious skills are demoted to levels of slaves and dirt.
This is how things are interpreted to be at the beginning for strong, solid foundation to be built — our very survival depends upon such believes. Because it works to service its purpose. Because it has taken us so long to achieve the stability and growth we have now. Because of our limited mortality. Those “working” programs and templates are a hard habit to let go. Deeply imprinted into the origin of our existence is the importance of this ability to differentiate and discriminate. So, we choose to honor it with traditions and the passing down of the templates we have created.
Templates of success are great, but eventually it will be outdated. In a world constantly in motion and growing. Templates can disassociate and disconnect from its original intentions, purpose, and meaning. To become nothing but a superficial routine we continue to practice keeping with tradition — and a habit hard for us to break from. Hence, the passing down of old way of thinking allow racism, discrimination, and prejudice. To hold us imprisoned within our own narrow mind set. Hindering our ability to grow and see beyond the old programming and templates. Thus, the cycling of our problems resurfacing again and again.
Our foundation is built upon strong fundamental materials we discovered along the journey to growth. But along the way, with more discoveries as our path is widened and we are given more options. We become desensitized to the true appreciation of what we are given. Some of us choose to indulge ourselves in the past, living off old templates and programming. Holding on and refusing to let go because it is a comfort we cannot part from. Others will choose to “break free.” By denying lessons of the past and any of its reminders. Because they are too painful to face. By such polarization: we are out of balance and is lost in a world we cannot accept, and a world we cannot let go. Playing tag-o-war instead of meeting in the middle, joining hands, and embracing unity and harmony.
When taught by an embrace-er of the old ways; wisdom is diluted in judgement, prejudice, and discrimination — due to a long history of pride from confirmations of what used to work. When taught by the “break free”: their wisdoms are diluted in ego. It is desensitized from the privilege of having too many options, and the lack of appreciation for a history of true hardship and experiences to put us in perception. In a world ever changing and in constant movement. Choosing any spectrum of polarization will put us out of balance and harmony. Out of balance we seek superficial experiences and superficial “wisdoms” as causes for our battles within ourselves and each other.
One of such causes for battle is with the age-old concept of abortion. If taught that we are being selfish…for taking someone else’s chance to come into life to start their journey to ascension. But not taught that if we are not thoughtful and thorough in our assessment of the situation and make decision that is best for that soul — We could be condemning that soul to fall deeply from that path with our thoughtlessness and ignorant.
Life intangibles situations are designed to test our knowledge and understanding of the lessons we are all put here to learn. Your answers to those situations demonstrate what you have learned so far — and what you have not. It dictates what kind of person you are: Are you someone who is mindful and take responsibilities for the choices you make? Own your mistakes and its consequences so that you can learn from it? Grow from it? Or do you run and hide behind illusions and lies to selfishly continue to indulge without guilt?
Let me ask you, of all the people in this world, do you seriously think that there are many (if any) that actually say: “Oh, I am going to have a child today (because I am selfless and generous); so, I am going to do some poor lost soul a favor and give it life?” If some of us cannot even love another being without knowing it being related to us or connected to us in some way. Or benefiting us in some way, shape or form — How can we love something that we do not know existed yet…to want to give it something as big as life purely and self-lessly for its own sake? Or to take on that big of a responsibility without receiving anything back?
Let me put it into perspective: deciding to have a child and bringing it into this world is a choice we have. A choice we decided to act on. The decisions of the choice we to choose to make is influenced and based upon all our own wants. Our own needs, our believes, and our own actions. So why are we taught to believe we are doing it a “favor” by giving it a chance to be brought into this world; when the decision was mostly all ours to make?
Throughout our history. Children are often templated to be thought of as “property” of the parents. They are an investment to pass on the parents’ legacy. Investment to strengthen a clan. Or to empower and add strength, by number, to an individual unit. Investment to our race’s future existence. In the past, children are a necessity if we are to continue to thrive. In the present, children are a luxury and a tradition. Some people choose to have children for the joy of experiencing them. Others have them because they are lonely and need to compensate for it, by bringing someone else into this world that they have “titled” to.
In our history and long list of reasons why we should have kids: How many people really have it on their list…to have a child exclusively because they purely believe it is to help another soul out? Throughout our history of procreation are there any number, any conscious choice that can say this? How many people have children just because they needed or wanted someone to unconditionally love them? Someone they are taught to believe will prolong their mortality by carrying a piece of them forward when they are gone. Someone to remember them so their life does not seem too “meaningless”. Someone with an obligation to love and take care of them when they get older?
If people only know how truly sacred a soul journey through life is. How much risks it takes to be here…they would not make such arrogant declaration of selflessness in their motive and reason for bringing a child into this world. The moment a pure soul decides to enter life. It risks eternal indamnation. Yet, it chooses to grant your wish: to fulfil a need, a want, or become a necessity to the lessons you need to learn. To give you a chance to ascend. So please, do not make such decision so lightly or thoughtlessly. Because you are not doing it a favor, it is doing you an honor. For unless it is divinely conceived: it is your actions, your choice, and your decision to conceived. It only chooses to be generous — Thus, to grant or not to grant your need.
We are all here to learn, but the first and most important lesson to start with is to recognize who we should learn our wisdom from. From personal experiences I caution you to remember, it is always easier for someone who have too much to eat. To complain about being overweight — When they look like a stick; and have never truly been forced to starve a day in their life — unwillingly. Than it is…for someone who have truly struggle with poverty or experience weight problems due to natural physiology. Thus, must try to discipline themselves by starving to stay healthy.
From generations upon generation of suffering and fear. We are the result of the trauma of existent. We exist to disappear. Only to reappear again. Until we learn all that we need to learn — We will be forever trapped.