ASR: B12: The Gods We Think We Know — And The One We Don’t.

“God” is an illusion.
“God” is man’s creation.
There are as many “Gods” and “Goddesses” as there are corrupted men and women of this world.
“God” will exist as long as our heart is tainted, and our soul is in danger.
Our “Gods” are as prejudices as we are.
I realize we are afraid, very afraid of the unknown path that lies behind that door that open-up after death. We are born knowing something is behind there, and whether we choose to investigate or ignore it totally — it exists. It is also inevitable; we all go there at the end of our journey. The secret behind that door is only for each of us to experience when the time comes.
Many people think “God” is the key; that will help guide and lead us toward the successful navigation to the world beyond that door called, “Death”. He is the North Star guiding us through the mysterious unknown. He is a beautiful inspiration; created by someone in this mortal plane with the purest of intention — Until…another someone came along and corrupted the original intention.
On this planet, “God” is the most complex and brilliants piece of puzzle we have created. He is the masterpiece we do not want to give up on; because “He” can be anything we want him to be. He is one piece of puzzles that is always changing to suits us. A piece that is cloaked in illusions; changes its integrity and form per individual’s believes and perspectives. As power change, as time change, as history change, as tradition, cultures, people, and languages changes — so does our “Gods” and “Goddesses”.
Side Note: For those who have read my work till this now. I humbly thank you for allowing me to share my journey with you up till this section. It would be an honour to have you continue. But be warned. The following sections I will be sharing some very extreme Hard Wisdom and truth. It will offend and outrage the old templates and mindsets — and will break the comfort of yesterdays.