ASR: B13: Chapter 1: 6 or 9? And Neither.

Andalasia Anon
12 min readMar 9, 2022

It does not matter how many perspectives we have. It does not matter how different we are. It does not matter where we are in the world. We see the same sky. We share the same universe.

We fight for the rights to be entitled to our perspectives and opinions. But at the end of the day, the specifics of our reasonings — do not matter! Whether from our position we see a 6 as a 9, or a 9 as a 6. It does not matter.

What matters is the subject and object we view exist — regardless of what we choose to title it as or call it by.

We can be “right”, but we can also be “wrong”. Because what we choose to view something as — what we choose to call it by, does not matter.

We fight over opinions of truth we do not fully understand. That truth we are staring at will not change what it is. Will not transform itself to satisfy our sense of knowing, and sense of control over our existence.

It could be a 6 and it could be a 9 — Or it could be none.

But we choose to only see it as a 6 or a 9. Thus, we limited our possibilities to just confirm or disconfirm with our perspective and opinions — instead of seeing things for what they really are.

That 6 or 9, could be something so beyond our ability to understand. Thus, beyond our ability to name, define, and identify with.

Who gives US — the ultimate right to name it?

That is the truth of the universe. No one get to name it. No one get to define it. It exists — as is. To be comprehended. To be understand. To be accepted. Thus, our wars over perspectives and opinions are pointless!

The moon does not disappear just because you cannot see it during day!!


The power of existence, the creator of realms as we know it — is this truth. It needs to humbly be acknowledged, accepted, and understand. It is when we do not truly understand the wisdom of the full acceptance, of what it is we see, that problems are created. Wars are fought, tragedies follow ignorant and pride — As it makes it ways to force confirmations, compliances, and fault “truth” as stands in for what is.

God” is only one of the titles we choose to call this power of creation that we do not fully understand by. From one perspective he is Jehovah. From another he is Allah, and yet from another he is something else totally. Like the example of the 6 and 9, “He” can be a “she” or vice versa. We cannot know that. We only know that at the time, it is what we were taught to recognize and identify with. It is what we want to believe it to be.

Because we cannot accept and understand fully what we see; we make up beliefs to try to explain and confine what we do not know — into something we do. Or hope we do. To explain and feel comfortable. Because we are too attached to our sense of self-entitlements and prides. Still too young to understand the true power in the acceptance of higher wisdom. Too prideful and entitled to accept that we are not as achieved and refined, as we wish to think we are. Thus, our history of wars, of blood baths, of tragedies, and suffering.

To some of us, the quest to compensate for our lack of understandings and inability to accept what is — is detrimental. Our superficial attachment to sense of physical self. To literal words, to superficial needs to satisfy our ideal sense of entitlements to what we identify with and think we needs. Needs such as: to be of importance. To be “right”. To prove ourselves to be what we choose to see ourselves as — or to be. Blinds us to view the glaring truth of the universe self-subjectively instead of objectively. Thus, it will render us disabled and unable to accept things as they truly are — by seeing truth in sense of perspective, believes, and opinions instead of what really is.


It is so ironic that those who worship their Gods/Goddesses and proclaim the loudest, and declare they know Him/Her best — Cannot recognize him or her when they come face to face. Because he/she is not in the images they imagined them to be. Thus, they abuse their Gods and Goddess when encountered. But worship the devil they declare they are averse to and fear. Because he fits the images of the “God”, they imagined it to be. This is what perspective and believes does to humanity.

Almost all this life, I have been prepped to accept the person that I am to become. I am taught that everyone else’s opinion is just that — their opinions. I am the one that had to live this truth I write off. My gifts allow me the realization that other people can easily be convinced if you know how their hearts and minds works. Thus, know what they desire to believe in — and work their desire to your persuasions.

Evidence can be falsified or overlooked depending on ones’ desire and willingness to overlook it. Or to see, what one wants to see. There are many components that makes up our perspectives; and many factors and variables that can affects that perspective. Thus, effects the “truth” we believe in. When we can only see half the picture, our “truth” is limited. Yet, why are some of us so “cocksure[1] and confident that we know the whole truth — against someone who does know the difference?

That is the problem with ego and the problem with most of the population of this world — who worship it. For social interactions and social systems to work harmoniously, we are taught to see what we see. Thus, we have limited truth until we are taught otherwise. For thousands of years, we are taught there are “Gods” and there are us. There is a glaring difference. Obvious divider and borders between our status and position.

But recently we have been taught that we are “divine”. That we are made from parts of “God/Source”. Hence, we are the one in control here, and the one with the “power”. It is not surprising we would think so. Due to the powerful “new” wave of energy that is emerging and awakening the mass in large number. Giving us awareness to abilities we did not know we have before.


From the beginning of humanity’s existence in this timeline. This section of the timeline. We were introduced to the masculine/yang/Physical Energy as the dominate grid and thrive in it for thousands of years. Now we are shifting to its counter part, the feminine/yin/Soul dominated grid (the second stage of ascension/growth as dimensional beings). Yin and Yang are different forms of energies with different characteristics. We know that “Feminine”, and “Masculine” have terms that associate, define, and differentiate them. Thus, so too do the energies that define those terms.

Masculine is often associated with the mind. Thus, recognized by terms such as “logic”, “the thinker”, “doer”, “external”, and “physical/material”. Whereas, Feminine are dubbed the heart. Thus, “emotional” as “the feeler”, “intuition,” “internal” and “soul”. Each form of energy consists of two phases for us to get to know. To also go through, so we can understand and develop our connection to it.


For thousands of years, it is “a man’s world”, brute forces, logic, and “stolidity” philosophy define our movements and growth. We have been emerged in the masculine energy to understand, recognize, and define it. Now, the energy is shifting to re-introduce us to its counterpart. Shifting to become more aware of the intuitive and emotional aspect of our existence. The age of “logic/practicality” has taught us so much and helped us advanced greatly — physically as a civilization.

However, without awareness, mindful understanding, and respecting that we are dimensional beings made up of more than one form of energy and facet. We cannot truly grow — nor harmonize the combined energies that makes up our current form — Make up our higher self. Without harmonization, we cannot move forward into the third “stage/era” of ascension — “Unity.”

We have always been a being created from the unity of “two” forces. Our goal has always been to unite those forces to achieve the right balance, harmonization, and to ascend into the third stage “Unity”. (The marriage, co-existence, and acceptance of everything that makes us who we are.) The product of source — of everything.


We were never meant to ignore one aspect of ourselves and embrace the other. Because the one is too chaotic for us to coop with at the time. Thus, we took the easier route, by bypass and ignoring it. Instead of learning to understand and embrace it.

When we were younger, new upon this realm. We choose to embrace the more practical — hence, more masculine energy within us. Because at the beginning of our creation. The world is still chaotic. Therefore, we need to build solid, physical structures to keep us physically safe. Thus, we emerge ourselves in what I call “The Physical Body-centric phase”.

In this phase we survive, thrive physically, and build further stabilities through structures. Then, once we developed the “The Physical Body-centric phase” to stability. Still, not yet developed, stable, and comfortable enough to face the more “chaotic” component of us. We then go through the “logic/practicality” phase.

In this phase we are more aware, but we continue to bypass, ignore, and suppress what we were not yet ready to face. This phase, I will call “The Mind/Ego-centric phase”. In this phase we become more aware of the mind. We become mind-focus but is starting to become aware of the importance of the feminine part of us.

Author’s note: I dub the “phases” to make it easier to picture and easier to graph timelines to explain. But you are free to call it whatever you want. I am not attached to the terms😉


For thousands of years, we physically thrive in the two masculine phases: The “getting to know” and the “embrace”. Diving and emerging ourselves into the masculine. Getting to know it. Embracing it strengths and weaknesses, and then developing it. Now that we are physically stable — to hold onto that stability. To stay balance and harmonized. We need to grow and mature internally and spiritually. We need to face our “other” half.

We need to get to know it once again. To accept it as just as an important part of us as its counterpart. To develop and embrace it. We must no longer ignore or bypass its co-existence to its more familiar and easier-to-face partner. We must first let it wake up, stand up, and direct our attention toward it. Become our new focus, so that we are aware of its nature. Get to know its strengths and weaknesses, so we know where to begin to develop it. So, we can learn its ways to embrace it.

We must go through its phases as well to do so. The phases of femininity are: First, “The Heart-centric (emotion)”. We have started this phase only recently. So, do not go jumping and leaping ahead — thinking just because we have been aware of the feminine. Or more aware than we used to be — due to the great “shake off” of the old grid into the “new” grid that is settling in.


The “new” grid has been making its ways in since around 1980’s; gaining momentum around the 2000s. Then climbed steeply since around 2010 till recently; where it is “shaking off” the “residue” of excess left over by the old grid. That is only a few decades. So, do not go jumping ahead of ourselves.

We have only just got acquaintance with the first phase of Feminine Energy. So, do not think just because we know now a little more — than what we are used to about our “spiritual” journey and our dimensional status. We can now skip phases and go straight through to the final goal.

Yes, we are getting closer. The distance between then and now — is closer than when we first started. However, do not let the overwhelming enthusiasm and confirmations of seeing the closer goal — fool us into slowing down or sidetracked. Some of us are ready to move forward into the second phase of feminine energy. But not all the way through to the “Unity” yet.


The second phase, “The Soul (Dimensional)-centric phases” of our development and evolution of feminine energy — is still a long way off for most of us. Think about it. We spend thousands of years within masculine energy to get to know it — to develop it to where it is now. Only to just recently, are we able to recognize its full strengths and weaknesses.

Only to just recently, be able to accepts its flaws and addressing it now. Barely, able to accept it fully yet. Still in the process of processing and learning how to deal and coop with it. What makes us think we can breeze through feminine energy — a more complex and harder to harmonize energy so quickly? I mean a few decades of raising awareness and we think we “got it” — and is ready now to move onto “Unity”?

Seriously, this kind of impatient and arrogant-base mentality — is what allowed the masculine energy to rule and rage out for thousands of years. That allowed blood baths and horrific deeds to go unaddressed — and us, unevolved for so long. If we are not careful, what happened during the thousands of years in masculine energy is nothing — compared to what is to come. Because we are dimensional beings, our physical destruction though tragic — is far less horrific than our “spiritual”.


The physical suit we wear is an armor. Our flesh and bones are meant to die. It is not meant to be eternal — like our souls. It is meant to be recycled through “lifetimes/timelines”. So, we can use it to experience, make mistakes and learn our lessons, and grow. Thus, why life after life we die and be reborn. Our eternal self, however, is notrecyclable” for lack of a better word. It is something never meant to be discarded easily. Damages done directly to it are much harder to heal, and at times — “deadly”.

Unlike our creator, who is seasoned. Grew into endurances, tolerances, resistance, and resilience to minuscule “scraps and cuts”. We as children, as “newborn” do not have the same kind of resiliencies. Thus, damage done directly to our eternal body does not just result in “death” — which is just another sleep for some of us here in this physical realm. “Death” to the eternal body is — eternal extinction. A sleep we will never wake up from.


If we think “death” is scary in this realm. A realm where we are meant to die. Try imagining what eternal extinction will be like. For those who cannot imagine it. Think of it as endless void, suspended forever in the limbo of darkness — of eternal nothing or just agony. For those who have ever been “stuck” or “block” upon their spiritual awakening phases. You might know how difficult and horrible it can be. So, imagine how that feels times by eternal — in every direction and time. Locked inside such a prison.

We go through our spiritual awaking stages — To help us understand what it would means to physical experience what we would experience in parallel, with our higher self’s journey. If the consequences, we will face is as I have described. Is it a wonder why source (as our parent), our higher self, and its teams came together to plan such harsh lessons for us to go through in life? To teach us and help us grow into the eternal strength we would need to survive our eternal journey. We went through life. Not as a meaningless mean to an end. But so that we can “live” our eternal “life” better.


Therefore, keep that in mind before we rush through the phases of our higher evolutions — as we are doing with our physical evolutions. We can have a hundred suits of flesh and bones and many lifetimes here in this physical realm. But only one eternal body. We have failed many times in our physical suits. Causes great damages to it. But we cannot afford to be so careless to do the same to our eternal body. We cannot afford to be so mindless of its care and maintain, as we do with our physical body. Because we only got one.

So, before “Unity” can be achieved. Before we even think about that phase in our evolution. Let us slow down, pay attention, be mindful, learn, and enjoy the different components of us and its phases. We have accomplished and learned so much — during our journey to acceptance and understanding the masculine energy part of us.

Let us use what we have learned while evolving our masculine — To do better in our dive into the Feminine energy part of us. We have experienced much pain. But also, many wonders in the Masculine domain grid. So, let us see what magic we can create and are gifted with — in the glorious beauty of our Feminine presence, before we try to skip its miracles.

Before “Unity”: Each component on its own, must first be acknowledged, familiarize, understand, and accepted — individually. So, let us give our feminine, the more complex part of us — The same kind of time courtesy and respect as we gave to its counterpart. That way we can get to know it properly.

[1] Reference to quote from Bertrand Russell. Whom said, “The trouble with the world is that the stupid are cocksure and the intelligent are full of doubt.”

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Andalasia Anon
Andalasia Anon

Written by Andalasia Anon

I overheard that I was **destined** to be “Spiritual”. But no anyone ever tells me I can **BE** “Spiritual” coming into life.

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