ASR: B13: Chapter 10: The Bible Is Just A Book

I am not ready to accept my path fully yet, but I have been circling this path a long time. My whole life, the higher power has blessed me with their presence and guidance every step of the way. I can tell you though very reluctant, I am taught to pay attention and learned my lessons well. Though in my ignorance I have resented their iron grip. I now know why they would not allow me to be taught solely by another peer. Also, why my life is designed to produce this book.
Though I am a beginner to this tangible realm’s definition of “spiritual” concepts; I am an unrealized “spiritual” being all my life (if not much, much, much longer). Therefore, I recognize the wheel of corruption taken place when I see one. At the beginning of my acceptance journey over 10 years back. As I journey this road for over 10 years. The things I have heard, the things I have seen, have read, and have been told turn my stomach.
Though none are intentionally trying to cause harm. But harm they will cause to those unaware. Spiritual journey, I have learned are one we must take on our own before we can group ourselves together with others. We must develop our own identity to strengthen the custom suit designed for us. Before we can even think of meeting up with those traveling along the road and share our knowledge and wisdom. If we are too afraid to start out on our own, then we are not ready for the journey.
A spiritual being, afraid to learn on their own — Is no different from a person who needs to be in a cult-like environment. For them to feel a connected attachment to a place, an entity, and a group — For a title and an identity to hide behind or draw strength from. Spiritual being and spiritual journey are not the same as a religious practitioner. Thus, we should not apply the concept of one into the other.
Spiritual being learns to listen to the world around us. Takes the message directly from the source, not hear it through a vine. Thus, they learn to see the world differently than what they were taught by their peers because of it. They are undefined spirit who is not associated with. Nor are they connected or attached to someone else’s idealism. True spiritual being if you have not notice, does not need anyone else. They are not groupies.
They do not reach out and search for us. WE search and reach out to THEM when we are ready. Ready to learn what they have to share. Ready to listen. Instead of waiting to judge. They do not need and do not care if we listen to what they must teach. They do not need our recognitions, adorations, admiration, gifts, or willingness to worship them.
They also do not need the promises of rewards by source to do what they have come here to do. They do it simply because it is the missions and purposes they promised to fulfil when they choose to come here. They choose to come here to help humanity evolve. But also, so that they can experience and learn alongside humanity, the valuable lessons that is not possible to learn in their realm.
There is no hierarchy, in a realm of unity. To a true “spiritual” being, you are as much their teacher as they are yours. You bow to them, and they will bow back. You do not kneel or kowtow before them as a subordinate. You sit before them or beside them as a companion. They do not flaunt their title or position in your face to demand respect. They earn it with wisdom and returned respect. There is a difference — Be aware.
Religion was stemmed from spirituality, but it has been corrupted and transformed to suits the needs of society and rulers. It is no longer the pure path it is intended for. Believe what the universe is trying to say to you, not what you were told by someone else. The higher power I assure you — have a voice. It does not need a representor, nor a translator. No one needs to speak for it. It can speak for itself — all it needs, is for you to learn to listen.
Yes, over the course of writing this book I was terrified of the information I might be sending out into the world. Because I know personally, how much it means to some people to believe in the illusion they were taught. I do not want to influence anyone else with my own perspective. Because I believe everyone is entitled to learn on their own.
To earn the right to come into the person they are meant to be. The journey into being “spiritual” and into ascension is not an easy road. If it is as easy as opening a book, listening to a speech, or watching a video. Then I assure you there would not be so many of us still stuck here, and so many of us still stuck in between the worlds. If it is that easy those “masters” — who have dedicated years and lifetimes upon lifetimes — Would not still be here. Still learning and trying to achieve the roadmap to their desired destination.
Because of the way I am taught by my higher guardians, there are times where I feel forced. Where I have no choice and no will. Thus, I did not want to do the same to someone else. Of course, now that I am wiser, and I understand them better. Thus, I realize that they never intended to force me. They were making sure I am aware that I have options. My gifts and their constant presence in my life to guide, and sometimes discipline — is to make sure I stayed off the path everyone else is taking. To show me that there is another path I am privileged to, that we are privileged to but is unaware of.
I did not realize until recently that like my guardians; I am not here to take away anyone’s hope and beliefs. This book is not an instructional book on the “How to”. Nor it is a manuscript of higher laws. It consists of simply some up-to-date and hopefully, easier to related-to examples. Examples to help clarifies in simple terms — wisdoms and teaching that was lost in translations through time.
Hopefully, explaining the differences between what is meant and what is perceived and misinterpreted. Clarifying some old messages in hope to bring awareness and mindfulness to all the signs that we have missed. Or misread already along the road. To give those who got off tracks, clarifications to come back on tracks. Or those just starting out, some simpler clarifications than how it is “scholarly” transcribed in the past.
For example, there are lot of people out there obsessed with another book — the Bible. I have first-hand witnessed, and for a few moments feared for my life. This is due to the intense obsession and convictions some people have with this book. Those people are so convinced that the words of this book are a direct link to God. That it comes directly from God himself, thus it cannot be wrong.
Yet, our history tells differently. The wars and witch hunts of the past that arise as the results of the words of this book are horrifying. Innocent tortured in the most horrific ways and murdered because people are stupid to their obsession. They see what they are taught is “God’s” word and His will. But can not see beyond the words, to The God who stood before them as they commit their crimes.
A book — That is all the Bible is. Even if it is a direct link to God, it can no longer be. It is no longer in the words of the original language that produce it. Hence, who say those who have transcribe, translated, and passed it on. Have not misinterpreted, misrepresented, or have not added some text or a few of their ideals, here and there? For those who defend its authenticity. How would you know if it has not? How would I know that it has?
Easy — Being someone who is bilingual in two culturally different languages. I can tell you there are things that can be said in Vietnamese that cannot be translated to English and vice versa. Also, because both those languages are not my native. I can testify that beyond this universe, outside of Earth and this plane of existence — There are things that mere words cannot articulate.
Also, the result of conflicts that arises daily from life in this present day and age. Gives reasons to allow me to believe that if we have “advanced” as much as all the facts in science have proved. Yet, misrepresentation and misinterpretations are still factors that causes interactions conflicts, due to misuse of words and misinterpretation of it. What makes it not a factor — hundreds or thousands of years ago? When the majority of the population who can read and write, are consisted majorly of the privileged upper-class people?
It is not just the Bible that this applies too. It can be any religious or spiritual documentations and records. With human nature being as it is: Can, we really resist the pulled of having the ability to manipulate something as “powerful” as a book like the Bible — As it sits helplessly before us — if we are corrupted? If we have used and manipulated God’s existence to fight our wars under in the past. What makes a book like the Bible immune to our own sinister nature?
Knowing human nature as well as I do because I am also one myself. I can assure you that it is not impossible for the Bible to have been influenced by those in power. Those with authority to order it translated, or mass produced in the past. And I doubt in the present and in the future. There will not be someone full of themselves enough to rewrite the Bible and all other religious/spiritual documentations — Thus, retold the stories of our Gods to suit their twisted mind.
Because the man-made “God” cannot say otherwise. Therefore, all those who believe strongly in the written words and teaching of such documentations are trapped. Have been trapped since the birth of its rise. Hence, the quote that gave birth to this book: “Just because you attached yourself to a truth, doesn’t mean you understand it. There’s a difference in understanding an idea and experiencing.”
Before I understood my guardians’ thoughtfulness, love, and devotion to humanity. This book was a reluctant and borderline hated chore that was forced upon me. Thus, I was often filled with agonizing frustration, resentment, conflicts, insecurity, and doubt. But each time I stopped. Each time I try to “escape” my higher duties and responsibilities. Each time I try to straight-out avoid and try to justify my way out of the tasks.
I would randomly run across quotes from brilliant mind in the most bizarre, comedically (Yes, source does have a sense of humour), and random of places — that could only be a sign directly from the higher power. One of my favourite quotes that finally put some of my biggest doubts into silent; is from a random name I have no recognition or association with prior: Bertrand Russell. Whom said, “The trouble with the world is that the stupid are cocksure and the intelligent are full of doubt.”
At this period in my life, when I stumble upon this quote, was when I have almost convinced myself that there are no such things as “destiny”. No such things as “higher purpose and mission”. That I should be “practical” and “logical”. Therefore, should be spending what little spare time I have doing something else to better my crazy life. Than to labour exhaustingly over a task I do not think I am capable of accomplishing. Nor do I believe in at the time because I am taught, I am not worthy of being “spiritual”. Even if I knew who I was back then, to be frankly honest, I can care-less what people choose to identify me as.
At this moment — at all moments in my life. All I want is the ability to be free to be who I know I am. Free to allow my soul to stretch from the cramped and caged positions that life’s lessons have forced me into. Free to show the world who I am. To shed the masks and identifications I was forced to put on and hide behind — due to other people’s fear of what they do not understand. Due to survival necessities as I learn the hard wisdoms I am being taught by source. Free to be me. A person who is completely loved, who knows she is. Despites all the opposing perspectives she is taught by life in this realm.
I long to rip back and shred the confined layers that kept me trapped and unable to show, share, or express who I know I am. A person who knows how completely she is loved and cherished. How privileged she knows she is to be given this opportunity to experience all this life has to offer. Someone who can freely express her complete joy and deep appreciation for life without being called “weird/crazy.” Just because she finds joy in everything — which translate to “nothing” in others’ perspectives.
A person who accepts and embrace all that life has to offer. Who is secure in source’s love so completely, that even in the darkest of hours — She see light where there seem to be none. A person who does not feel a need to ask for anymore than what is given to her — Right now. In this moment or any moment of her life. It is A-MAZING to be that completely loved, that completely happy, that completely joyous. That completely cherished. That completely FREE.
Free of ignorant. Free of expectations. Free of wants. Free of needs. Free of superficial attachments and identifying factors. Free to stand radiantly within that brilliant power of pure complete love, joy, and happiness. Free to embrace and be embrace by that power. To FEEL it overflown in every particle of my existence.
To freely be so deeply grateful for everything — because I understand and accept why things need to be the way they are. Hence, I do not feel a need to ask for anything. To want for anything — but the moment I am experiencing at the time (good or bad). Even when other people tell me, differently. Even when life “obvious” lessons show me differently. I am so lucky to be blessed with this miracle, but I was forced to hide it. Because the world was not ready for it.
One day soon, I want more people of this world — especially, those who have struggled as I have. To know like I do, what complete love feels like too. What it is like to be FREE of all these confinements, or all those identifying factors that cages us. To know too, like I do — that we are not any less loved. Just because some of us must go through suffering to be able to learn the higher lessons source wanted us to learn.
Back when I was caged inside my trials. Caged and cornered to teach me to recognize the difference between being completely loved and spoiled rotten. Because I did not understand the higher lessons being taught to me; I listened to what others taught me. Therefore, I believed I was being punished. Hence, I did not want to believe in destiny. I did not want to believe in “higher missions and purposes”. Especially, when I was also taught by others and by my life experiences at the time. That to be “spiritual” means you live a suffering life only to die tragically, so you can teach others what you have learned.
It is an appalling misconception taught to a lost person. Especially someone who instinctively know something is wrong with this popularly embraced teaching. But do not know how to prove it. Therefore, back then all I wanted is to “fit in” and be ordinary. In hope of avoiding the fate that I was taught is mine if I embrace who I am. Though, I enjoy learning, but to be caged the way I was. It was terrible.
I have always just like to enjoy life one moment at a time. No matter what is in that moment. Joy or pain or hardship. I just want to absorb everything that life is willing to teach me and tries to cherish it as it is. But after being repetitively unable to prove my knowledge of higher truths. Unable to escape my situations nor understand the wisdoms of what is being taught to me. While being bombarded by insistence misinformation and guidance by those in my life.
I got scared. I know it is my future role to shine light on, to guide, to coach, to teach, to heal, and to lead. But I refuse to accept and teach what I am not 1000% convinced, myself is the truth. I refuse to past on knowledge that I, myself — feel is not thoroughly examined. I refused to pass my pain and my hardship onto others as it was passed onto me. Therefore, the idea of destiny, higher missions, higher purpose — and higher responsibilities and obligations to others felt suffocating.
Thus, at the slightest opportunities I found so I do not have to write this book. I grab for it. I enthusiastically (maybe too much) try to embrace it and ignore my calling to step into my role. Therefore, it is not a surprise that at every turn I wanted to “cheat”. Grab at every excuse to not do what I do not want to do — which is to write about my journey. To teach, to share, and to “enlighten” others. To bring back ghosts and horrible pain that I believe I have already resolved.
Also, I am a nobody. Why would anyone wants to read the words I have to say? The people in my life rarely listen to me and some hates me, because of those words. So, what make strangers want to read it? Thus, I justified there is no reason for my effort. What makes sitting cramped in the most uncomfortable position, because I do not even have a desk — or a proper chair to sit in, worth the effort?
What makes lack of even more sleep after working 30 hours shift worth it? What makes having my sights blurred and my brain numb from exhaustions. But still push forward because of this earnest calling, I do not understand. Nor could I resist — Something I should prioritize over material practicalities? Even living the “hell” that is my life, I do not feel a need to cry. Yet, I cried rivers of tears out of frustrations as I choked on words. For every sentence I try to write and every thought I try to express.
Life has not treated me well. People have not treated me well. Source had not treated me well (l.o.l…from what I am told by others in my life). Hence, why should I bother with all this effort to do something I did not think I could do nor should do? Or want to do.
Back then I am constantly overwhelmed by doubts and insecurity because I care. I care and I am aware — that my actions and reactions have rippling consequences that effects others. Because I have been made to be aware of my positions. I became so scared of becoming the same source of misinformation, that has misguide and misled me off tracks to others. Being aware that every action causes a reaction. Thus, sending out rippling effect that can cause more damage and pain into this world — Pain that I have experienced myself. Because I have been misguided. Misinformed, mis-taught, and conditioned to believe.
Believe me, when I say the scars, they left are not something I want to inflict on someone else. Therefore, if I can stop it with a little thoroughness. Thoroughness means time spending eating or sleeping. Or even relaxing is something I cannot afford to indulge in, as I have so many lessons and experiences I need to “clear” and “clarify”. With the hardship of a life that is not solely mine to indulge in. Because I accepted these higher missions knowing what it entitles. I have no regrets. Therefore, I have learned something important. It is one thing to know — Another altogether, to experience the thing we think we know.
Direct experiences are so important because it helps you ground — and stay grounded to what is real and what is perspectives. Grounded to acceptances of higher wisdoms and truths we cannot truly grasp — just by merely knowing about an experience. Knowing about something without direct experiences. Cannot help us truly grasp and understand the real obstacles and challenges, of difficult situations.
It is easy to imagine pain but hard to understand it. Hard to stay grounded to the true ability to understand it and feel real compassion for it. Therefore, hard to stay balance and objective when we are face with influences and bias confirmations from similar peers — Who judge what they do not truly know.
It is always easier to accept what is like what we know. What we like to believe in. Always easier to defend our perspective. Easier to call and accuse other people’s challenges as “dramas.” When we do not truly know, what it is like to truly — be challenged by life’s real lessons.
Challenged, by real higher wisdoms and the reality of life — over our speculative perspectives. Knowing the differences between what it is like to be caged and what it is like to be free — Truly free. I now embrace my tasks with love and one day soon, I want to embrace my role. I hope by doing so, I can show everyone who crossed my path. The true miracles of what “life” is all about.