ASR: B13: Chapter 11: Our Life Is A Customized Suit Designed Just For Us

Andalasia Anon
15 min readApr 14, 2022

A 6 or 9. This conflict no longer matters once we close our eyes. But it does not mean the subject disappeared, just because it can no longer be seen…or forgot. If we reach out it will still be there…and THAT is what is…


Be mindful, as the sources for communication have been made easier: More expressions will be made available. Thus, means more “static” “traffic” “distraction” and “clutters” are also made more available. Be cautious and learn to think for yourself. Do not mistake a message for a desired confirmation.

Now a day everyone is quick to be the first, to jump at an opportunity to be known, to feel important. A book and an idea are finalized and send out into the world without giving the universe a chance to explain the truth behind the message that is sent. Every opportunist who heard of the race, or what they think is a race. Will wants to be the first to the “finish line,” so they can be identified and “accredited”.

Thus, become “experts” or wise beyond their peers. “Experts” who preaches what they do not understand because they can. Thus, sometimes produce ego-base conceptual “truths” to maintain their status of importance. While self-pro-claimed “Wiseman” or “Wisewoman” are full of half wisdom they do not fully grasp.

With every movement there is a flood of opportunists and self-proclaims “important” figures, who needs to stand out in order to feel entitled and important to someone else. Those that have such needs to fill in and compensate for what they lack within themselves — cannot be objective. So be careful of what you learn from them. I am not saying you cannot learn from those individual, you definitely can. They have a lot to teach. But read between the lines. See what the higher power is trying to teach you through their messages.


Also, due to how hot topic circulate and attract followers. Opportunists will often disguise themselves as “expert” or “in the know”, to increase their followings to gain large audiences to make profit on social media platform. Thus, they circulated information based upon the greatest hits — which is not necessarily the greatest truth. Hence, the clutters of information that can give the wrong impression of lies as “truth.”

Side Note: There are some really good teachers and genuine spiritual coaches on social media platforms too. I am not discrediting them. Some of them have earned my deepest gratitude and respects, for helping me find the words to clarify what I am trying to express. For helping me understand and accept my positions. For helping so many others, find their footing upon this new grid and the path they are supposed to be on. There are lots of genuine coaches, yes. But there are more opportunists and people who just repeats things because they can.

Remember your individuality is part of the journey to your spiritual growth. If you need someone else to make you feel important. If you need attention to fill a hole in your soul. Or need someone to carry you — Then you are not ready for your spiritual journey. It is O.K. to not be ready. Your time will come. Do not force it just because you are told it is “the thing to do”.

Or because you are lost and bored or struggling with trials you cannot face in your current life. Hence, need to attach yourself to something to feel you matter. True spiritual path is not an “escape route”. Nor is it a luxurious recreational hobby. It is not a temporarily fashion you wear and discard when it is no longer popular. It is not something you can do just because you say you can. Or have the determination to force yourself to follow — without consequences.

It is a journey your eternal soul calling for when life’s purpose is understood. When you have achieved to learn what it is trying to teach you. When you have learned what you are here to learn — and is ready to do all that you are here to do. Then, the calling becomes yearnings that gives way to actions to align you to the exhilarating freedom of acceptance.


When the yearning draws you to takes actions that align you to the spiritual path. It also means you are ready to step into your higher role. Or ready to find your way home. You have fulfilled your existence’s missions and achieved what you have set yourself out to achieved. Understanding higher acceptance and higher wisdom are the path to the eternal world. It is not a path anyone can take, at anytime they want, just because they think they can. They must know exactly every turn at every stop. Even where to stop, or they will be lost.

This is the problem with this material plane. The hubris among our populations is in abundances. Hence, they shape paths and influences our ways in the world. They arrogantly taught us by the minor population of a few “successful” examples — that we do not have to earn the rights to a path. All we have to do is think, and we shall have. If we cannot think it, then we can use brutal forces of determination and talk our way into those rights or “truths”. That is where the eternal world is different from this world.


In this world, people like Christopher Columbus, can go out and explore an already existing land, with already existing civilization and call it “new”. He does down in our history as “hero”. Because our ancestors choose to be ignorant to what is obvious. Thus, taught that ignorant down the generations. But to a higher entity or a wiser person, who is mindful and aware. They will see him as who he truly is — a “villain” for lack of a better word. Because only “villain” is egocentric, hubris, and ignorance enough to give demeaning titles such as “savages”. To those he took and steal from — with arrogant confident while blind to his own misgivings, deeds, and actions.

As I have mention before. Life is a journey the soul takes to learn lessons that it is not able to learn in the eternal world. Therefore, going into “spiritualism” when its lessons are not done — Can do great damages to the path you set upon yourself. Damages to yourself and damages to those whom you come across, influences, and teach because you are driven by self-gain.

It is O.K. There is nothing wrong with making a YouTube video. Or be pay to give seminars, or instruct classes, or write a book to share your spiritual journey. But not O.K., to promote a path that you do not fully know the purpose it stands for. Attracting an abundance of audiences to you like a cult leader — is not something some true spiritualists would do. Nor take part in. Most true spiritualists would not want to be in a position of consistent pressure to produce information to stay at the top — so they can gain and keep those audiences.

Side Note: There are true teachers who does Youtube videos and give seminars. Who is destined to do just that — to spread awareness and mindfulness. That is their higher missions and purpose for being here. So, there are higher preventative measures put in place to help them maintain their position. Therefore yes, there are true spiritual teachers with lots of wisdoms to teach on social media. Who have lots of social media followers. But not in the abundances that floods the platforms.


If a “spiritual” practitioner is misguided to think that they are supposed to be on a path not designed for them. All because it is the most popular idea circulating at the time. If that is not their higher missions and true purpose — it can drain their spiritual disciplines and take them off their spiritual road. Thus, lead them to compromise to compensate. So, they can stay in their position.

Doing so, they can sometimes get caught up and lost within theirs or others’ ego. Then, be ungrounded from their higher purposes and missions. That is the risks some missions and positions have. The risks that often causes “derailments” of some of the most highly spiritual individuals — from reaching their ultimate goals. Risks that are often not mentioned at all. Or bypassed by enthusiasts and optimists. Whom thinks just because they can imagine themselves knowing how to do something. They can do so, regardless of boundaries and respect for higher “laws” and regulations.


Like I have said earlier in regard to religion: Be a good person, instead of trying to prove it by being “religious”. It holds true for “spirituality” as well. Identifying and migrating towards a popular niche, will unground you. Thus, be a “spiritualist” — Not pretend to be one so you can take advantages of a hot trending market. Being enthusiastic and quick to promote and selling an idea. Makes you a smart person who is a business opportunist, not a true “spiritualist”. Nor the right coaches and teachers, for the topic to someone else. Be mindful of your true motivations, and the motivations of those who share with you via trending social media. Because your actions have consequences to yourself and others.


Spiritualism is a way of life. It is going back to basic, as our journey whine down to completion. We yearn for the “spiritual” practices to shed slowly our mundane attachments. Shed our learned habits and material duties, so we can “wrap up”, and ties up “loose ends” as we head home. Therefore, do not let your ego or others take advantage of your lack of understandings and clarity — side-blind you. Hence, buying the idea that “spiritualism” is something you should practice before you are ready.

Do not buy something just because it is worded for your benefits. Here is an example to articulate my point about the power of marketing manipulation: Travel industry. Before they change their marketing media declaration. Some people know last minutes is cheapest. But now they changed their wording. Saying that if you book early, they will price match if the price goes down.

So, there is more benefit to booking “Now” and early. But if you stop and think. Marketing is master mind manipulation. Just by changing their wordings — to sound like they are looking out for your benefits and comfort. You do not realize they are manipulating you to get what they want: Which is to sell more at the price they choose to sell it at — At the time they choose.

Think about it. If everyone who is buying and is assured by the guarantee to feel confidence and safe in their purchases. They would buy without thoughts or double checking the price. They would buy at the time and price the seller chose. Thus, just by saying a few reassuring words. The seller would then sell more at a higher profit and never have to lower their prices. So, they never have to honor their guarantee. Because 8 out of 10 people are O.K. with the manipulation and would not even check. The 2 percent that check and is willing to go through the hassle of getting the guarantee honored — Will do nothing to the already high profit made.

Side Note: I understand that “time is money”. Also, some people need to plan due to their hectic schedules, so they are O.K. with this “peace of mind”. It is O.K. I am not giving this example to make you feel bad. I am just using it to articulate a point about perspectives and how simple things we are not mindful of can affect it.


Like the just mentioned example. Every new popular trend, there is a flood of new marketing opportunities. Social media make creating new trend and marketing easy. So, anything made popular by media, should be thoughtfully examine. Its purpose and intention should be thoroughly considered. It is great that “Spirituality” is made a new popular trend by social media. But it can also poison and kills the true path of spiritualism.

Over the course of my life, for a time when growing up being so utterly different from everyone around me. There are times I have felt so alienated and alone — that I was desperate and willing to believe almost anything people tells me. Even when I know for a fact it is wrong. I still fought strongly to believe in it — because I just want to believe. Until recently I believed; that if I believe in what everyone else believe in. It will make me “fit in”, make me “blend in”, “connected,” and my life would “flow” better. If I just do not fight the currents. Fight to unravel the discrepancies I know.

I fought so hard sometimes to be “normal” that my life was ripped apart over, and over, and over again. To show me that “normal” is not what is needed. Until I come to realize and accept that: Our life is a customize suit designed just for us. We cannot fit someone else’s suits, and they cannot fit ours. We are given what we need, and they are given what they need. So, they can be who they are. To learn the lessons, they are here to learn. Therefore, always looking outward and wanting what someone else has is pointless. And the reason why so many cannot be happy even if they are given everything.


I believe that the higher power will give people what they NEED even if they do not want it. Because it is a test to see if they know how privileged and loved they are. If they cannot learn to appreciate all the current blessings in their life now — than anymore given to them — would be wasted, right? A child who is always asking for more and is always given more. Will learn to eventually be too spoiled to ever realize — When it is enough and stop asking for more. Thus, it will never learn the meaning of satisfaction, contentment, fulfillment, appreciation, and happiness in the things it is already given.

Failures to be mindful and aware of our lessons; will results in weakened tolerance and endurances for the tests we have come here to write. Thus, causes us to “break down”, and become “ungrounded”. In the first world — Some mental health problems are a choice. A choice to be unaware and self-blind to simple happiness. Like higher wisdoms, happiness is truly very simple. But made complicated by people and the old template teachings.

For example, some people are obsessed with dieting and exercises. Obsessed to the point that it is stressful — and causes other health issues. Or even killed themselves because they take it too far. What a first world problem! So privileged! That they twist desperate essentialbasic needs that are sacred and craved desperately, by so many in need of it. Into something of a “bad choice” because they have choices.

It is truly tragic that someone’s else tragic and desperate situation. Is a wasted and unrealized privilege that can be carelessly disposed of without a second thought by someone else. I guess it is easy for someone who has never unwillingly had to starve a day in their life. To take for granted the blessing of being able to eat.

For someone who have choices. Therefore, never have to make or be forced to do hard physically labor, out of necessities — to the point that they feel they could die from exhaustion. Therefore again, it is easy for them to be lost in the obsession with their physical vanity. Or be controlled by our hubris nature; to forget to be grounded to what is important in front of us. Or the value of anything we are given.

Being obsessed with things we cannot have, because we are too spoiled to see what we do have. Is a detriment practice and habits to live by and be attached too . To blame our lack of ability to see obvious truths before us — as mental disabilities. To use such excuses to do away with. Or to bypass the mindfulness and self-aware training lessons we are being taught — Cannot empower us to overcome ourselves when we must face it. Our own obsessions with mindlessly listening and seeing what we are told and shown only on the material surface. Our lack of mindful awareness of our reactions and self-disabling behaviors or habits to that mindlessness — is the result of our degrading mental health.


How do I know this? How can I differentiate it? Because I am born disabled and limited, then I grew into other limitation and disabilities. Because I am taught what I can and cannot do. I took my abilities for granted when I did not realize what a privilege and honor it is to have it. So, I do have sincere compassion and understanding, for those experiencing the true challenges of being unaware and mindless. Those first-hand experiences also allow me to recognize those who are really suffering and those who are not — and only choosing to be.

Choosing to be disabled to use as an excuse to get away with having to try and make a true effort to be better. In my life I have experienced a lot of people. Most are truly privileged and does not know how — to lower their standards and expectations to accept all that they are given. They cannot see pass what they want and do not have. They only see what others have, and what they believe they must have too, for themselves. Because they believe they “deserve” it as well. They were taught that sense of entitlements and rigidly held onto it to imprison themselves within that attachment. Hence, when life true trials come along, they do not know how to lower themselves to accept anything less.

Therefore, they disable themselves from their abilities to help themselves from falling into the mindless state of lack. Then depression. Because they are forever chasing things that are not meant to be theirs. Beating themselves up repeatedly, just because they can not adjust to what they were taught and choses to believe in — to grasp their lessons. Cannot be grounded, mindful, and aware enough of what is outside themselves. To realize even if we can choose to see ourselves as “deserving” of whatever we believe. It is still only a believe — that we choose. Not what is.

Our customized life and its lessons are to teach us to remember our places. To ground us. But when we cannot look and see beyond anyone but ourselves — to see what we are being taught. To see the bigger picture, we are apart of. How can we learn tolerance? Endurances? Learn mindfulness. Be aware. Hence, it is our self-disabling habits and behaviors that can be the most destructive to us.


For example, for every time we go crying and there is someone there. Someone there to give the reinforcing attention we want. Or point out; make excuses for us; or think for us and be mindful and aware for us. We will eventually learn to disable ourselves from trying to fine tone those necessary skills for ourselves.

Eventually, it will weaken us. Therefore, sometimes (not always) being too supportive. Being too “caring” and too “loving,” can have consequences we do not realize. For example. To someone who is too spoiled to see and appreciate all they have. If they learn the bad habits of crying to someone who have more than them. Who have everything they want, to get their compassion — they will get it. And it will feed into their situation and allow them to continue to be so.

Because we have been templated to spoil people we love or spoiled the spoiled — just because it has been done so this way for so long. We become unaware of our habitual behaviors, actions, and reactions to these outdated templates. Therefore, we unintentionally help disable the people we love, or allow ourselves to be disabled by them. Hence, sometimes we need to be “cruel to be kind” by setting boundaries and pushing people to learn their lessons. Instead of always “kid-gloving” them.

For someone who genuinely want to help themselves and raise above their self-disabilities. They need to go out there and lower themselves — surround themselves to those who have much less. To really see our lessons for what it is. When we are surrounded by those who have much less, we will have less to complaint about and be unhappy about. Because we realize how spoiled we are.

Only by being mindful ourselves and have the people around us be mindful and aware too. Of our effects on each other. Only then, can we see what is truly wrong with us. Only then, we can teach each other how to recognize and address the roots of our true problem. Hence, so we can fix it. So that we can change and empower each other and grow stronger together.

Seriously, reading books and talking to a therapist is not going to help most of us. Because lots of the things we read and talk about; we forget. When we only do things out of mindless habits or so we can say we did it to stay in our mindless comfort zone. We would not truly understand, be mindful, and be aware of its effects on us.

Why do you think Buddha left the world of privilege and luxury behind to explore outside his comfort zone? Outside not only his physical, but mental and emotional comfort zones as well. Only by stepping out of the comfort zones we know. To have direct experiences — can we truly train our spiritual self and come into real insights and wisdom of why we exist on so many different level and diversity.

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Andalasia Anon
Andalasia Anon

Written by Andalasia Anon

I overheard that I was **destined** to be “Spiritual”. But no anyone ever tells me I can **BE** “Spiritual” coming into life.

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