ASR: B13: Chapter 9: : “Lightworkers” Are Not Immune To Human Nature. Not Immune To Be Sidetracked.

“Just because you attached yourself to a truth, doesn’t mean you understand it. There’s a difference in understanding an idea and experiencing.”
Believing and having faith is a wonderful thing. It is inspiring, motivating, and comforting. To believe we have someone bigger than life looking out for us. But we must understand that just believing in a “God” or a higher power is not the answer to all our problems.
The world does not run-on faith and hope alone. Changes does not happen just because we have faith that it would — and have hope that it will. Changes happens by the choices we make — and actions we take. The quote above was given to me when I was most unsure about starting this book, and at my most discouraged times. I had so many doubts.
I was afraid of exposing my vulnerabilities. I also have a secret feared that my need to write this book was because I was somehow, driven by my ego. Thus, motivated to do so out of arrogant and conceit, instead of genuine desire to fulfil a higher purpose and mission. Because I also lack communication skills, I was not confident enough to think I am capable. Hence, also lack the courage, to take on the burden of sharing my knowledge and wisdoms with anyone. Therefore, I struggle so much with the idea of writing this book that I gave an ultimatum. This quote was a direct respond to that ultimatum.
The first time in my life I was given a crystal clear, un-attestable message directly from beyond. It helps me realize why I must not give up and continue down the path I need to take. That my life and all the pain and suffering I went through is not in vain. That there is a purpose for the battles I have fought to be who I am.
There is too much ignorance, misrepresented wisdoms, misguided information, and false-positives “truths” being circulated — and not enough higher truth to balances it. As the spiritual world opens into this one, the purpose of this book is to serve as a “friendly reminder” to those who are fresh starting out. Or those who is lost on the “spiritual” path seeking answers — To be mindful of what they believe. Of whom they choose to guide them. In any world, any concept can be corrupted by anyone. People are people, it does not matter what title they give themselves: a priest, a monk, a pope, or a “lightworker”.
None of us is immune to corruption and the influences of our nature. Thus, we need to always be mindful and aware of our weaknesses. Be mindful and aware and respectful — of its reasons for being part of us. Because only then, can we successfully manage it and keep ourselves grounded to the tests we are here to take.
Because we are natural born opportunist — So too, is a “spiritually” wise person. Especially one, who is going through a tough trial and is exhausted. Exhausted enough to forget principles. Exhausted enough to forget that those temptations to give into what is easy — is also part of the test we are trying to pass. Just because someone identify themselves as “lightworkers” or “star seeds”. Does not mean that they cannot be lost or sidetracked by the ordeals of their missions. Cannot be tempted and seduced by their human nature. They can.
Being a “lightworker”, “star seed”, or dubbed “master” of a movement. Does not mean we know all. We can resist all. Does not mean if opportunities arise to tests and seduce us, we are strong enough to resist them all. In fact, the more we identify with a title and position. Identify with peers. The more pressure we put on ourselves to “put out”. The harder it is to resist giving into temptations. The more likely we are to be ungrounded.
Once ungrounded, it is harder to resist the pull of bias confirmations and the need to stay obligated — To keep with the “image” of what we identify with. Therefore, there will be people out there who will want to take advantage of this trending concept. Thus, might knowingly take advantages of our lack of knowledge and guidance to manipulate, misguide, and mislead us. Might take advantage of our moment of weaknesses as opportunities to bend and “wow” us to their will.
Some will do it unintentionally; misguided themselves. While others, will do it intentionally motivated by selfish reason disguised for our own good. Those are the ones we must be warily off. Because they are the one that can appeal to us most trustworthy. Be mindful of attachments to “truth” we have been taught and illusions we have yet to clarifies.
Sometimes “angels” are the cruelest people in the world. Because they do things for themselves, while fooling us into believing they are doing it for us. They prey upon our love and trust in them. While those that seem like the “devil” are the kindest. Because they are at least open and honest about their motives and intentions.
Think about it. If some of the stories told through religions are true. If “angels” and “Gods” are not immune to corruption, what makes us think we are immune? Changing a title or a name we choose to identify with — to re-define us. Does not change the fundamentals of the building blocks of what makes us who we are.
Hence, if you are planning on exploring your spiritual path — Be mindful that spiritual journey is not about taking someone else (or everyone else) along with you. You should be openly-objective to learn from others the basics to get you started. But after the basics, the journey should be taken not with others of this world — But that of the spiritual realm. Think: the word “spirit” is unnecessary. If we can do it all here in the physical realm — right?
Why is it call a “spiritual journey/path,” if people think they can take it all the way in this physical realm? Be taught and guide the whole way by those of this physical plane? Thus, to be a true “spiritualist”. You learn from the spirits themselves. They do not communicate like us. So, if we let ourselves get too fixated, caught-up, and attached to the physical technicalities of how we learn and do things. We would not be able to learn their methods of communicating. Thus, would not be able to really understand the messages we are receiving.
So again…be careful what you choose to learn and who you choose to learn from. Just because someone proclaim, they are a “spiritualist” — does not mean they are. Our self-proclaim titles, and what we choose to identify with — Does not make us — what cannot be define by us.
Also, wisdom is NOT measure in PHYSICAL years. That is what people DO NOT understand. Just because someone is older — Or do things a certain way that “works” for “X” number of years more than us. We just ASSUME they are wiser because we are taught so — But in actuality, are they really?
Some people do not know, and some people forget — that Divine Time is not like ours. A child can be MUCH wiser than its great grandparents because in Divine Time…the physical years do not matter. What matters is how old that child’s true self is (its SOUL is). It might be a child NOW. But it could have lived THOUSANDS or eons — of lives and learned much more lessons; before it become that child.
But because in this world we are taught bias, discriminative, and stereotypic ways of thinking and identifying with things we see. We overlook and devalue valuable sources of guidance, that kept us lost within our ego. Thus, if you think and can only accept — that only people with “respectful” titles like “masters” who lives beyond a hundred. Who have a certain stereotypical appearance in their way of dressing, dieting (robes and vegan), and practicing a certain method or form of disciplinary routines — Are the only true directional guides you can learn from.
Then you are still a beginner. And will remain a beginner — cycle after cycle. Because people cannot learn, if they cannot let go of what is taught to them HERE. If we cannot realize that those practices are just alternative ways to gain self disciplines. An alternative way for us to stay focus on the path — and not THE definite way to the ultimate result. If the concepts of terms and definition are something we cannot get pass. How do we expect to explore a realm where those terms do not have meaning?
In a realm where our physical appearances and names — are not how we are seen and be recognized. A realm where our body do not need food to self-maintain. What is the point of some of those strict dieting routine? What do you think the purpose of such practices will yield?
Think about it: most of those “masters” we are so eager to learn from are STILL here among us. Why? Is it because 1: they are still on the road? Still learning like us. Or 2: they have not achieved their goals. So, they cannot guide us beyond where they are at. Beyond where they are taught by those walking similar path to them before.
So, “logically” would you prefer to learn from a stereotypical “master” who have not yet achieved his or her goal? Because you were taught all these great expectations about him or her. Thus, also taught he or she is the ideal example of whom you should follow and learn from. Or a child who have surpass that “master” and have come back from reaching the top, to show you another path to get to your destination?
Remember just because someone claim or declare themselves as a being of importance does not mean that they are. Just because we choose to see it that way — does not mean it is true. Thus, anyone can declare themselves a “spiritualist” and just because they want to personally believe that they are spiritually gifted — Does not mean they really are. In a realm where things are seen in truths. Physical sights, believes, opinions, and perspectives are mute factors.
So please remember; in a world where people can say anything just because they can — Does not mean it is true. In a world full of expressions, people seeking attentions, seeking significant status, and confirmations for attached “truths” — There are many “truths”. The real ones though, comes to you. It does not need to be seek out. Nor does it need elaborate, or flowery confirmations and testification.
Higher wisdoms are deep, hard to understand, hard to resonate with. Hard to express and articulate with the form of communications we are used to here in this realm. Therefore, it will not be popular. It will not seek you out. Will not have many likes nor followers, because it is not meant for everyone. Just those who can understand it. Just those who have passed its exams and can then move forward.
It is absolutely O.K. to not be ready for it. We are here as students. At all levels and stages of growth. At all different grade levels. Some will become TA’s (teacher assistance to source), yes. But that is only after they have been in your positions. Have gone through your positions to intimately understands its lessons. Its needs and what it must teach them. To earn the experiences to evolve their knowledge enough to be the bridges between you and Source. So, do not rush yourself through your lessons with eager and impatient. Pace yourself in your current positions. Enjoy it. It has much to teach you and much for you to learn before you can “level up”.