ASR: B3: Chapter 6: A “Spiritualist” view on the subjects of “finance and politics.”
The sad reality of our physical world is that people are too easily fooled by only what is on the surface. We are taught our rules and laws only applies if we got caught — and only those who are underprivilege will we have to face the true consequences of our actions. The laws do not have enough enforcer to make sure everyone complies. Thus, it is the one that complies that suffer.
While the one that works it are the ones that come out a winner. When it comes down to it, the laws we live by are created by the privileged for the privileged. They create leniency for themselves and their peers, while we pay for their privileges with our compliance and willingness to be misguided. They are the ones with the time, the “education” and the resource to manipulate and work the system they run to their advantages. While the one that are stuck, are at its mercy; forced to just do what is needed to be done just to get by.
Forced to absorb and accept the inequality, the injustice, and the merciless deed done to them. Think about it. How many of the truly rich pay their fair share of taxes? Some have offshore accounts and money hidden away, while still be able to write off private jet and elaborate parties. They are also able to write off their abilities to live in fantasy mansions, go on expensive vacations, eating $20 a piece of sushi, drinking $1000 liquor. Yet, pay nothing on their tax returns, while someone else is trying to survive on a $1 a day to feed a whole family. Yet, still trying to meet their obligation by paying their taxes so they can keep their rundown hut.
Is this kind of inequality necessary? If our systems are supposed to work for the benefit of all — Why is such a big gap allowed?
For example, the financial market crash of 2008, and the recent 2021 conflict between the average retail investors verse billion dollars hedge fund over GameStop and AMC stocks. When the average retailors loose due to manipulation or wrongdoing on behalf of a big company. It is “too bad for you. Suck it up. Deal with it.” No ones in the “in-group” and status quo were found guilty or really must pay for their deed and misconducts. Even if they must pay. It was a gentle slap on the hands in compared to the suffering and hardship that they have caused others. Because they know how to work the system and have the means to do so.
But when the table are turned, and billion dollars companies are losing. Beaten at their own games. By the rules they declare is the foundations of the system that we must all be obligated to play by — is disregarded and second to their privileged positions. They make themselves an exception to those rules when it does not benefit them. In this example, they shown us that they can manipulate the systems and change the rules to turn the tie into their favor.
They can also then use the media to cover and tarnish, devalue, and criminalize the average people to redirect away from their flaws and malicious deed. The smart average people are then labelled “rebels” and “rule-breaker”. While the wrong-doer minimize their consequences and damaging actions with quick redirections of attention away from themselves with their resources.
Obvious abuse of privilege, power, and positions by a minority of 10%, are magnetified and highlighted here for all to see. Yet, the systems protect them, and the consequences are ignored. This is only one of modern-day obvious show of abuse and inequality captured and recorded for all to see thanks to modern technological advancement. Can you imagine how many more of such deeds are done in the past where the average 90% can easily be silenced by those in such positions? How many daily today, because it is silently done, and covered up by people with resources to silent anyone they want.
This kind of corruption does not just stay within our financial and political systems. Our failed financial and political systems are the water that feed the dark seeds of corruption within our souls. That sprouts roots and give birth to many of our physical horror stories. Stories that are much worse than just the suffering of someone losing their homes or not having enough to eat. Those hardship are nothing compared to the horror of child sex trafficking, slavery, and drug smuggling stories that many people often forget to associate and link to where the true origin of the corruption comes from.
Think about it. Without money or political power (not just in modern system), how can there be such a great demand for child sex trafficking and slavery? Because without the power to indulge in their fantasy and having the ability to acquire it through the creation of demand. Our underling “big” problems would not be a “big” problem. It would not have grown into infectious operations that cannot be contained nor restricted. Because without power to protect such corruptions — it would not have the power to grow into infectious diseases that cannot cure.
Society and its systems are taught that it was created for all to benefits. And we are benefiting, but some should not have more power to bend the rules than others. It should not be 10% controlling the faith of the 90%. The average majority should not be able to be crash so easily by a mere 10% who is put there and allowed to be there. Because they taught the average individuals to complies, taught they are weaker, less smart, less blessed, and thus, less equal.
Though the physical laws was originally created with good intention by big hearted people to direct the movement of society so that our race can prosper and thrive when we are younger. It needs to constantly be updated to reflect our growth and development. We are super intelligent dimensional being that are constantly growing. Hence, our systems need to develop alongside us, or chaos will break out due to large gaps that divides intellect and privileges.
Side Note: To all those who think a “spiritualist” should not be thinking, discussing or involve in any way in politics and financial matters. That a “spiritualist should not” be involved in such “trivia mundane issues”.
Seriously? Where do you get this concept from that a “spiritualist” should and should not be doing something? Old outdated templated? Most of the problems in this physical world revolve around two major factors: politics and the financial systems. These topics are the biggest shaper of our world. Political and financial systems of this realm shape our social systems and our world as we know it. Because they give power to each other to allow “good” things to happen as well as “bad” things. But we embrace the “good” it does while ignoring the “bad” it creates.
Unless we live outside of society or a system — they are major factors that affects all our lives. It dictates our laws, our position, our status, and even who we are. It dictates the environment we live in and affects and intertwined with almost every aspect of our daily life. So why should it not be addressed by a “spiritualist” or the “lightworkers” whom the source assigned to come help change and lead the world into a better system?
We cannot solve nor can we help a problem by siting on the sideline thinking we are TOO above a problem to get our hands “dirty”, or our thoughts tangled. We come into this world to “HELP” but how do you suppose for us to do that when we are taught to use the label “spirituality” as an excuse to not address — or to bypass the biggest apparent problems that NEED a solution? How are we to “help” if we are templated by old mindset to avoid seeing and addressing the real biggest problems in front of our face?
This is the mindset of someone who does not yet understand what it means to truly be “spiritual” nor here to help. How does that make sense? If we think we are too “above” dealing with such topics and too “spiritual” to be “bothered” with REAL issues that are affecting the world. That are affecting LIVES and real roots factors that affect the creation and shaping of the world we live in, because it will “lower our vibration” or status as a “spiritual” being.
If we think we are too “spiritual”, too “mastered” and “advanced” to take real action and make real changes where things need to change. How are we going to help? With the separation mindset that it is “their problems” instead of “our” problems to recognize the problem. To accept that is the problem we are send here to recognize and address — So that we can help solve or find solution for. How can we help?
Sitting on the sideline doing nothing but work on “personal development” through “meditation” and reflections — without any actions or thoughts given to the apparent biggest factors that we came here to help change. Is no difference from everyone else who have been doing just that — Hence, letting the problem become infectious and as big an issue as it is now. Continuing to bypass our responsibility and duty using “spiritual/religious” terms/standpoint to hide behind. Hence, so we do not have to be “bothered” or allow it to “disturb” our “spiritual journey” — is the problem! We helped to contribute to the current situation with this taught way of thinking for so long.
Hence, why “religion” and “spirituality” failed in the past to serve its original higher purpose and mission. Why it became corrupted and turned into a tool to be used by us to use against us. Keeping us trapped in an endless cycle within its systems to continue to suffer needlessly. It does not make sense for the source to send more “contributors” to an already growing problem that has not yet been addressed.
A true “spiritual” or “lightworker” (or whatever the heck some people wish to call themselves to fill whatever they need to compensate for) — would never let something as superficial and insignificant as label, titles, or words to misdirect them from doing what they are here to do. It is not the “titled” people that are here to change the world. They are the ones that is keeping the world from changing. By addressing only, the packing of a problem and changing the packing to make it look nicer — does not solve the problem with the product itself.
Hence, real bringer of changes is not here to be “awwed” over. They would recognize truth from lies. Superficial from what is. They are not here to change the wrapper on the candies that has been poisoning this realm — They are here to change the candies itself. So how can they do that if they believe in everything, they are taught? A label, word, or title does not make someone a “spiritualist” or not. Does not make what is — what it is.
In the “far distance” past, the law is created for control and gives power to those who built solid foundation so we can survive as a race. Then in the “distance past”, the law is in place to help us thrive. Once stable and constant, the law in the “recent past”, is there to keep a growing large population of the young and undeveloped people in check. Keeping order to give them time to be taught the lessons they needed to learn. As we walk through Physical Time in our journey. Circumstances and conditions back then required those measures to be in place during those stages to help us survive and thrive as a race.
Now that we have achieved the art of surviving. Our “physical” is now stable. Matured. It is time to self-develop. Being dimensional beings, we need to develop and bring the other “half” of ourselves to par with its counterpart to ascend home when our time is done. Physical laws have taken us far as a race. But as dimensional beings, we need dimensional laws — if not, then something that closely represent it. Or everything we builds will falls apart because we will recess once we outgrow and can outsmart the systems we have developed along our journey.
The outdated mind-set, that the large general population must be kept in check and stuck in their position because they are not yet “wise/smart” enough to contribute. Or “disciplined” enough to learn and grow on their own — need to change. Our systems need to change to break that outdated mind-set and support individual growth. Close the gaps of discrimination and prejudice. To transform our world to support maturing dimensional beings, we need physical laws that closely reflect the higher law.
Religion was created to reflect this higher law to help our spiritual-self stay balance upon this realm while we mature and grow in physical population. But we have outgrown its purpose. Hence, our ability to corrupted it easily to suite our intentions. To find a new balanced union of physical systems and higher law to support us in all directions. We need to break from the old systems and build new ones. Which means we can no longer allow the physical laws and its systems to discriminate us.
Therefore, those who are born unprivileged can no longer be suppressed and at the mercy of the hands of the privileged. Some of those people comes with higher lessons to teach us and abundance of gifts that we disregard because we are taught to misread them. Also, those who are born with physical privileges can longer get away with a “free ride” to respect just because they are a born into a position. In the transformed and ascended world — you earn the respect you seek. You awaken to your higher lessons, or you will be victims of yourself. No longer can you bully others and bypass your lessons with physical resources.
Please note: to be fair and objective. Not all people privileged nor in place of power are ignorance and selfish. There are many who tries to balance the scales, many who have made differences, and their effort should also be noted as well. But no matter how many there are that tries. There will be more who are ignorant and selfish because this existence is where we come to learn. There is all level of achievements, and it is not the solo responsibilities and obligations of those who are more advanced — to take the burden of responsibilities upon their shoulders to make us more self-ware and informed. It is not their fault our systems are broken. It is all our fault for ignoring our individual contribution that allow the wounds to become infected.
It is EVERYONE’s responsibilities to learn what we are placed here to learn. There is no “free ride” to maturity and wisdom. In this material world, yes, some of us lack opportunities and lack resources to earn the physical education we are taught we need. But we should not let that deterred us from achieving the higher education we are here for. Unlike what we are superficial taught about our discriminative status upon this physical realm by each other. We are all well equipped with equal opportunities and resources to achieve the higher education we are here to accomplish. The question is do we pay attention when we are being taught? Or do we just bypass it with excuses that we do not have “time” to be “bothered” or “deal” with it?

To all those people out there talking about changing the world; saving the world and making it a better place for everyone. The reality is, the world does not need to be changed. It is us that need to be changed. Each of us need to individually be mindful and choose to contribute. Our problem is not external, it is root from within. We are our problems. A weed will keep growing no matter how often you cut it at the surface, the only way to destroy it is to find its source and destroy the root. The roots of all our problems are internal — not external.
Just like getting plastic surgeries, we can get as many surgeries done to our physical self as we want, but the core reminds the same. We can fool everyone who is visual with our new looks, but to a blind person we have not changed; we are still us. Thus, if we really want to change the world and save the world. First, we have to start with us.
We need to save ourselves before we can reach out to others. We cannot change others. We do not have a right to. But we, ourselves, as individuals, can start by becoming more aware of who we are, our thoughts, our actions, and reactions. If we are aware and are not corrupted within. If our core is not corrupted. Then the world we built, the laws we create and the society we live in will not be corrupted. The physical world is a direct reflection of who we are inside.
I once used the plastic surgery examples with someone, and this is their actually replies: “Well, we do not live in the world of the blinds, so I am good!” I find the ‘practical’ answer and confident behind it very amusing. Of course, it is hard to tell someone who can “see”, that they are blind. If they themselves, is under the illusion and is convinced that they are not. Until they are ready to see what they need to see, they will only see what they want. This is one hard wisdom that is the hardest for me to come to understand because I did not realize that other people do not see the world the way I do.