ASR: B6: Chapter 3: Our Great Systems Fails — When We Allow Greatness To Be An “Inheritance.”

Humanity have gone a long way. Have achieved such greatness and there is much for us to be proud of. But we cannot evolve into intellect advancement yet dumbed down by our ego due to privilege and luxuries of great past and present material achievement.
Superficial concepts, labels, and association such as: lineage, blood, positions, and race should not be the determining factors that dictate the next successors of our race leaders. It is good to respect, value, and be reminded of our great past with symbolic figures and traditional practices. But leaders of the future need to be people who are willing to understands the values of the past — respect it — but can move beyond it.
Predecessors and successors of power for great movements should be given to those who have earned it. Who is suited for it. Not by default factors. Not by mere superficial lineage or entitlements. Our great systems fails when we allow greatness to be an “inheritance” — instead of earned. Without the journey to earn the experiences to understand the insights of where the original concept emerges from. What is passed on is diluted in abundances of privileges that gives raise to undeserved ego instead of the solidity of true confidence.
When great ideas and concepts are passed on to those who understands it — It is solid. It becomes foundations for more structure to be built upon to prosper and thrive — it illuminates for all. When passed on to those who does not understands, whom only “inherited” it. It will be twisted out of context to be manipulated and corrupted to suit only the ones that it serves. To keep them in power and in position to have say on what will continue to benefit only them or those like them.
Hence for some, whose only major obligation and responsibility in life at current stage is getting “that grade” and “making something of yourself”. When you are not constantly worrying if the next minutes you will have a roof over your head. Or is lucky enough to get a proper meal once a day; or have enough money to stay in school in the next semester — More than half the stress, half the obstacle standing in your way of academic achievement is eliminated. Having the luxury of only selfishly focusing on your goals with little distractions; because you do not have to care about life’s intangibles situations — does it really make you smarter and more intelligent than those who could not afford to do so?
Recently, while looking for a second job, I came across someone offering to pay to have their homework, assignments, and exams written for them, because they “do not have time to deal with it”. If they do not have time to honestly get the “education” they needed because they are born into privileges and can afford to buy it. Celebrating someone with the luxury and privileges; that give them access to resource; that can allow them to cheat their ways to the top without having any kind of skills or talent — Is this person the doctor you want checking up on you when you find yourself ill?
Now that surviving is made easier with all our advancements; thus, privileges come in abundance. The world has given birth to areas where being stupefied is celebrated. In those area where many people become lost to the purpose of life — leading them to choose to simulate themselves in the extremes. Thus, anything that trigger a reaction no matter how stupid or immoral is appreciated by someone or other — and made “acceptable” through humour. But realistically, is this the kind of “experts” we want to get our advice from? Is this the kind of leaders we want to be inspired by? The doctors we want diagnosing us?
With a system that give respects and creditability to those who have truly little to contribute to the higher education we are here to learn. To the purpose we are here for; how can we not fall off the path we are meant to take? How are we are going to avoid our fate?
It is sad that materialism leaves nothing sacred anymore. Something as sacred as knowledge, wisdom, compassion, and love — Is now devalued and transformed into common commodities that can be traded and bought with money. The gift of healing is a true divine blessing to humanity. But now how many truly talented and compassionate healers and doctors are lost — and buried among heavy educational fees and poverty to achieve their true passion and purpose in life? How many other sacred gifts and talent have been lost to that ridiculously over-priced piece of paper sitting around collecting dust? To all those superficial factors that we are taught — is more important than it is?
How many true directional guides to ascension that are send by the higher power to teach us; to help shine a light on the dark path we are journeying upon is: Overlooked, devalued, and demeaned by social judgement and prejudice due to limited insights, misguide standards, policy, and expectations? How much damage have we done to ourselves by allowing our shallowness to limit and restrict us?
To be manipulated and taught to falsely placed so much emphasize on the physical education; that it weighs more; that it takes precedent to the higher education we are here to achieve. Is it a wonder why so many of us are lost? Why instead of moving forward we are shifting backward into ignorant and falling back onto the comfort of making repetitive mistake while hoping for better changes?
If we continue to allow and turn a blind eye on the growing population of people who does the greatest damage to our society. All because they have “entitlements” to achieve prestige positions but no compassions, nor understanding, nor true talent for a position to lead us. People who can talk big and make big empty promises. But when it comes to proving themselves by doing what is hard — to do what is right — they cannot follow through. People who are inspired solely by selfishness, ego, greed, materialism, and vanity to look out and look after us without consequences. Because those “experts” and leaders feel a needs to prove themselves, how many have done more harm than good?
In a world run and dictated by unmindful self-serving people, who can consciously forgive and excuses away whatever virtue they do not have. While continue to express their disastrous actions without consequences: How can we avoid the path of self-destruction that will lead a clear path to our own damnation — Not only in this material world but in the eternal realm beyond it?
How can better changes be the result of a detriment movement/systems that allows immoral people like the supporters and leaders of the Chinese Communist Party and their allies from other countries — to still exist today? To have grown into its power and soon to be the next Hitler of the world. The world had made the mistake of underestimating men like Hitler before and have faces dire consequences — To think with such glaringly obvious mistakes made known to us and yet we are still choosing and allowing ourselves to make the same mistake by letting it happen again. I wonder what percentage of the world will survive this time?
Side Note: As I have said, I am not here to be nice nor am I being “racist” or “discriminative” for pointing out problems area that others choose to bypass. I am here to share my unbiased views on where the roots of our problems lie. So that we can make a collective effort to try to fix it before the consequences start to rain down on us. Just because I say “Chinese” does not mean ALL Chinese people. Just communist party and their supporters.
Please be reminded again that if you take my word too literally. Or cannot handle the truth as it is meant to be seen and told. Stop reading my work. Being overly sensitives and fixated with terms and its specifics definition and perspectives — will warp the hard wisdoms you are not ready for.
If I am meant to be sugar coating everything I say and share; Source would have given me the ability to create magic with my words like the many talented authors and writers out there. They would be writing this book — Not someone who can stand up to monsters, both real and imaginary, and yet broken down in frustrated tears to painstakingly put together chapters by chapters of this book (for almost 10 years).
I did not choose to write this book as a recreational side project to showcase my talent with words. Nor do I take any personal pleasure from baring my soul to strangers to be judged for the things that I must share (in later chapters) that I know will offends millions. If you cannot handle the things, I have said so far, how can you handle more? So, please — do us both a favor, and do not read my work unless you choose to come into it with an open mind and ready for a change in perspective.
Human being has been learning through the “trial and errors” method in order to advance to where we are today. We should be proud. But maybe not too proud, that we are stuck holding onto past achievements to the point that we forget to upgrade the method of how we got those achievement. The world has changed and advanced so much. Our method and procedures should change to reflect it.
We need to upgrade from learning through simple errors-filled trials to more advanced, more thoughtful, and thought-out method that reflect how advanced and refined we have become. We cannot continue to nonchalant go into a trial situation and hope that our luck holds out and we will survive the errors as we have done in the past to advance to where we are today.
Today, because of all our advancements. More than ever, we need to be more aware and refined enough to foresee most of the errors to limit the result of failures. If we are to survive our own achievements, we need to learn to be proactive enough to be able to contain the unforeseeable errors as well as the foreseeable ones.
It is arrogant to think we can continuously make careless mistakes and get away with it. Our past mistakes have limited consequences, because back then we are not as advance as we are now. Back then, we do not have robots with abilities to think for itself, reprogram itself — Nor have bioweapons that can whip us all out through the very air we all need to breathe. Hence, should we not be more cautious and more mindful of our actions? Should our method not reflect our intellectual growth and maturity?
In the case that we outsmart ourselves by allowing our intellectual achievements and human nature to overwhelm our wisdom by too great a margin — We can end up out of balance and in similar situations to past great civilizations. If we do not balance our intellectual growth with increase amount of spiritual growth in awareness and wisdom. By incorporating extra care and extra caution into our process and procedures. We can be sweep away by enthusiasm on the winds of optimism and great advancements — to forget the costs and consequences that can arise from our actions.
It is O.K to be visionaries, O.K to support great visions or ideas. O.K to want to be optimistic and support those visions to create amazing things and advance ourselves. But at what cost will mindless enthusiasm yield and can we afford to pay it? Are we prepared for when our creations outsmart us? Or do we just mindlessly create things to satisfy that endless thirst for inquisitiveness without regard for the effect it will have on us?
Side Note: I did not want to add this part, but it is meant to be asked. How would you feel if you found out that you are the parents of the next “evil” into this world? That it became so by your mindless actions and doings — as its parents? How would you feel to be Hitler’s parents knowing what he does? How would Hitler feel to know for a fact he is a “Jew”? Or will be born one, once again as one — after all that he had done? Our creations are given “life” and power — most time, not by our will and good intentions. But by our mindlessness and ignorant to consequences in the choices, actions, and reactions we take.
We have evidence of great civilizations whipped out and gone forever. Can we be sure it is not their mindless optimism and carelessness that is the result of their downfall? It looks like “natural” disaster brought them down. But how do we know that they did not trigger the disaster, as we are doing with global warming — in the process of trying to achieve something much greater than they are prepared for?