ASR: B6: Chapter 4: Hindsight Is Always 20/20 — And Too Late

In hindsight we always think we are smarter than the people before us — unfounded arrogant makes us conceit enough to devalue what those before having had to go through to discover their mistakes. Instead of looking to the past to learn to become smarter, by pinpointing the process that led to the errors and acknowledging where the mistakes are made to avoid making the same mistakes. We are looking to the past with unfounded entitled conceit and arrogant thinking we know better. Thus, we are no wiser by taking the same path and making the same mistakes. Hence, this arrogance has dumbed our specie down to what took so much to have learned.
How many of those today we call “educated people” are truly “educated” and not just entitled individuals? Has our physical education system dumbed some of us down to higher learning? It seems the more “educated” we become. The more arrogant we get and the more ignorant we become in the real lessons that life is trying to teach us.
There is a higher reason for this existence then to just get by. Until we discover it for ourselves and embrace it and fulfil its purpose, we will continue to suffer. But how are we to understand our higher purpose for existing when our educators lack the life experiences and wisdom to teach us? Because they are too busy surrounded by privileges, entitled “respect”, and protecting it with proclaim of “not enough”, “need more and more.” Instead, of self-taught to look around and see that they have more than enough in compared to others. If they are not self-ware enough to self-taught themselves to see the world with humble eyes. They should not be qualified to teach and pass on their knowledge to the building blocks of our specie future existence.
Side Note: I know there are amazing teachers out there. I am the result of those amazing, caring, compassionate, and hardworking individuals. I thank you for your effort, for your passion, and for your experiences.
However, as with everything in life. There are greatness and there are those that is privileged with entitlements to achieve their goals and thus comes along for the rides. Because they are set up to achieve their goals without true passion for their position. They do the bare minimum while demanding a lot more privilege because they believe they are entitled.
This next part is for all the teachers strike demanding more money for doing their job, but “smart” enough to hide it behind the excuses that it is “for the students”. If it is “for the students” as it is proclaimed. Then you stay in class and do your job! It is a privilege to share your knowledge and help build the future generation. There are a LOT worst professions out there with much less benefits and privileges such as: great benefit packages that includes all the great holidays and the best time of year (summer) off. Your salary is twice other professions who does much more. Being a teacher is a privilege, is an honourable, and valued position. But to hear them going on social media crying that they should be doing something else. Because $80 000 a year, plus all the great benefits are not enough — is a disgrace!
Also, I do not understand the whole system of having Teacher Assistance teaching in the University/college position so that the professor can be free to do other works. If the professors are not available to teach and rather do something else. Then why do they get the official titles of “professor” and salary? We paid big buck to go to school to be taught by the professionals, yet they can outsource their position to someone else. How is it fair that we are misled to paid for one product yet get something else?
Also, the textbooks, why should we have to paid full price for the new editions, when there is a few paragraphs or pages changes. It is not the student’s fault that the professors did not complete the research info they put in there before they published it. It is not the student’s fault that the professor uses a book that is not thoroughly completed to teach and reference. So, why are students having to pay to buy the new edition? Does tuition not cost enough already?
Think about it. How are the truly passionate students to learn if they cannot afford the constant changes in textbook editions? The publishers, authors, and professors of those books are getting cuts from those new editions at the expense of starving students who are struggling to pay for school expenses. Hence, how is this system not discriminating to those who are underprivileged and cannot afford to keep up with the cost of schooling?
Without hardship of real experiences, it is hard to learn higher lessons. How, are true directional guides to break free from such discrimination and superficial factors to raise and do what they are here to do when we block and suppress their light with our superficial confidence and concepts? It is sad that the greed and arrogances of our race’s nature, allow great men like Nikola Tesla and Henry Dunant to be lost to the pages of our history in the tragic manners that they are loss.
Men, who are way ahead of their times. Men who have changed the world and would have continue to contribute to even greater changes to speed up our spiritual, mental, and physical evolution much earlier. Had we not allowed the ego and greed of our nature to easily discredit the creditable with our arrogant superficial standards. Maybe, those men and other men and women much like them; would have taken us down an even lesser environmentally destructive and humanitarian path, that would have revolutionized our spiritual development sooner.
Can you imagine a world where electric cars and other environmental and humanitarian friendly concepts took popularity and dominant — before the gas car and manufacturers does the damage it does to our ozone layers? Imagine a world where our base values in every thought, actions, and reactions are principled with mindfulness, consideration, and kindness. Instead of profits, excessive-benefits, and ease of conveniences for you regardless of consequences to anyone else?
Human nature is fickle. We often wait for things to be gone to appreciate it. Or too late to even be saved before we even try to savage it. A damage once done cannot be undone and often takes much more effort than we are willing to exert to fix. Yet, we do not know how to recognize, treat, and cherish the gifts given us when it is at its mint condition. It is one thing to treats objects in our lives like that, but another to treat people like those afore mentioned great men in such manners. This is how we have been treating the answers to our prayers for help throughout history. Are we going to continue to repeat those mistakes in this new era?
Even with recorded history to remind us of our errored ways, are we still going to ignore it? Is the physical destructions all around us not enough to wake us? Do we need to be on the brink of spiritual death to realize we need to act today to solve and contain the problems that are arising? I am sure there are lot of people out there who see what I see and have brought the roots of our problems to light many times but is ignored.
I, myself, have brought those issues up many times in other timelines, realms, and worlds. Chased, hunted, tortured, and murdered — forced to live in constant fears for the lives of those I love and care for. Seeing worlds destroyed. Maybe those “dreams” are nothing but my imagination. But lifetimes of being told I am “crazy”; convinced by others that I might be delusional. Wanting to believe they are “right” to think so about me to escape the guilt I feel over my inability to be heard and understood. While my soul bleed rivers of pain, as it stood witnessed to every event that unfold and play out to testify and define clarity verse “delusions”.
Standing now on the brink of the new and old grids, with the abilities to see clearly the past and the future. I can tell you all I see. But I cannot make the decision for you on what path you should take. On what you should believe or disbelieve. Just remember: In hindsight it is always 20/20, but by the time hindsight comes around, it is already too late.
Do we really need someone to tell us “I told you so,” two hundred years from now, after all the unnecessary deaths and suffering to make us realize our current problems? When there are already some people here — NOW, telling us what those problems are and all we have to do is try to find a way to listen and understand. Try to find a way to fix what is still fresh happening now before it becomes a disease. Before its roots is buried so deep in time, traditions, and newly arise achievements and issues to distracts us?
Why does many lives need to be lost over a long period of time suffering for us to set our ego aside and look back in hindsight? Remember the event of the “Black Death of Childbed” (Puerperal Fever of the 18th century). How many lives could have been saved? How much suffering could have been prevented if we rewind back time to the day we were told where the problems lies and how we should fix it. Had we set our ego aside — listened, respect, and investigate someone’s new perspective instead holding onto our own sense of pride and entitlements — the problem would not take another 30 years to realize.
How many children grew up without a mother in those 30 years? How many men suffered the lost of the love of their life? How many families are broken by the ego of those who laugh and discredit the ones that pointed out the problem and solution first?
You do not need to be “educated” to know actions leads to reactions and consequences. Our every thoughts and action is engraved into the existence of all this world’s particles to be remembered. From the air we breathe, the water we drink, the clothes we wear and the skin upon our bones — are particles of existences that is designed to remember our actions and reactions to dictate consequences to our lives from the choices we choose to make.
Our higher purpose is to learn, so our existence is based upon a superior design that promote to teach. All components of this existence are designed to triggers lessons to be learned and level of achievement we need to reach. If not reached by the majority, then it triggers an existence event that will highlights and bring forth what we miss — And what we forgot; to bring us awareness and set us back on tracks or “reset” us altogether.
Existence events are like milestones in our evolutions. It is source’s test to examine our race’s growth and abilities to grasp our higher understanding of why we came here to live the life we are given. Existence events such as: major wars of past, natural disasters throughout and pandemics of present. COVID-19 is an example. It never matters what we choose to believe in. Whether the reason is bioweapon or natural science. It is destined to happen the moment we choose our actions. But if we are ignorant enough to deny the glaring truth — If we rather choose to accept our egotistic insignificance perspectives. Rather, than what the glaringly obvious lessons trying to come through — we will fail our test.
Being an intellectually advance race with the abilities to make choices. But the choices we choose to make tend to polarize toward what is easy. What is convenience, and what we can mindlessly benefit from regardless of consequences. Hence, we will always be one step short of true changes. This ability to choose and our lack of awareness to our own ability to catch ourselves from slipping into indulgence of what is comfortable — is what have been causing us to cycle existence after existence.
We will always be one step ahead with our enthusiasm and optimism. But fall two steps behind every step we take forward, because we rush toward results to receive quick credits for the ideas. Doing so, we forget our responsibilities to the consequences of the things we give birth too. The questions we should be asking when a problem arises, is not “who” did it? But why did WE let it happen?
For example, COVID-19. Even, if we can find the “physical” evidence to place the blame on a party, it would not matter. Because it is destined to happen in one way or another as it is set by the greater design. It happens as a direct REACTIONS to OUR actions — or the bypassing of it. Thus, there is no point in pointing fingers at each other. No point fighting each other when we should be working together to learn where we fail so that we can prevent a more sever reaction to come.
I can assure you; the pandemic is just a warning. It is the least severe of all measures and reactions. A pandemic is nothing compared to the core of the earth or the sun overheating. Thus, we should be grateful. A world pandemic is a soft reminder, it gives us time to self-reflect. It put us in a position to understand that WE are the problem. WE brought it on ourselves. It gives us a chance to learn what we are doing wrong, to change our ways, and to prevent the next trigger from going off in the design. The sun overheating or the earth drying up is the end of the higher power’s patient to our pretend ignorant and irresponsibleness.
If it happens first, we will outsource and shrugs off the responsibility of our actions to “God” and the design, so we do not have to own the problem we created. So that we do not have to put in any effort to learn where we went wrong, nor any effort to try to improve ourselves. We would continue to ignore our true purpose for this existence and take it for granted as we have been doing.
Put that way, I am sure some people might prefer to think it is better that we all go down spectacularly together. So, we can restart anew to keep indulging — Think again. If this is your last chance, you would not be coming back. At least in a higher form — and “Hell” is too nice a description for what awaits you in infinite eternality, in most other forms.
What happens tomorrow is decided today. If we wait until tomorrow — it would be too late. Thus, a good example is SARS and COVID-19. Take it as however you would like: a lesson or a warning. Whatever you may choose. It comes from the same country. It is transmitted the same way. Coincidences? Or the result of lessons not learned, thus being retaught? A warning or threat? Or both?
Whether there are lessons we did not learn or a warning we choose to ignore. From the severity of SARS, we should have realized we are not equipped to ignore the threat of something similar happening again. Because let us be bluntly realistic about the stupidity of our race. Since, SARS created the scare it did — we should not be surprised someone delusional enough. Would think it is a “great” idea to experiment on it either from curiosity or to weaponize due to their blind ambitions and greed.
SARS is both a warning and gift for the test of what is to come (COVID-19). If we had heed SARS as the warning it is; if we had learned the lessons, it taught us — Would COVID-19 have caused the damage it did? Now that COVID-19 have proven to most of us that we are not immune to the greater power. What problems surfaced during the events and are highlight at that time? How did we feel then? What are we doing now? What are we doing about it after?
Are we ignoring it when the immediate danger is over, and we go back to pretending that the issue that affected us then can now be underestimated because we have become “smarter”? “In hindsight we are always smarter than the person before us.” “Smarter” than the person in the situation — but are we really?
Are we going to hoarder a ton of medical supplies for standby in case it comes back? Then held the arrogant attitude that we are well prepared for its next strike — while ignoring the fact that we have learn nothing of the true higher lessons it is trying to teach us? The higher warning it has given us — That highlights the sources of our true infections that needs to be investigate and cure?

We have cornered ourselves into two choices: live and learn NOW — or live it again and again. Suffer it again and again. Because we think we have achieved SO much, we rather choose our ego over the obvious truth. So, the question I have: Are we going to keep making the same choice to try to prove our ego is right and justify until we can get the confirmation we want? Also, are we going to foolishly pretend as a specie that we have all the time in the world?
Luxury of advance technology and conveniences of privileges has made our specie incline now, more than ever — to become more reactive than proactive. We know, even when we are warned, even when it is happening before our eyes. But we choose to indulge in our addictions and ignore our responsibilities to what is our obvious duties.
When we do wrong. The first time is a forgivable mistake. The 2nd, 3rd, and even 4th time — is us trying to learn. All the time after that is because we are ignorant, and we CHOOSE to be so. Because all of us are given brain to think, and in this era of high tech — resources for learning are abundance. The source knows who we are — it gives us our resources and abilities to test us. So, before we create our excuses, we should be mindful of whom we are trying to fool.
Hence, if warnings are not enough anymore to teach those who resist the lessons. Who are capable of learning — the beating will start. COVID is that beating. How many more do we need? How many more can we endure? Before we waste away and become nothing but toxic waste. Polluted dust in this mundane world and wisps of left-over smokes in the world after. Nothing but forever lost soul. Damned to the wasteland to be used as just another tool to teach the newcomers who comes to learn what we have fail to do to ascend.