ASR: B8: Chapter 3: We Are Born To Die

Why would anyone who has all the comfort that life can give — would want to grow further you ask?
Because life is impermanent. Life is a transient stage of existence. We are born to die. To move on. And we cannot do that if we do not evolve. The comfort of today may be the reason why tomorrows we suffer more. Today we can have it all, tomorrow nothing. This life we are given everything, because of the lessons we need to learn. Next life we have nothing, because of another lesson on our road to ascend.
“Karma” is generally misunderstood, mis-define, and misrepresented to suite our whims. I never really understood nor accept what I am taught about it while growing up. I tried too because it is an easy and convenience explanation. I hear people use it a lot as excuses or explanations to accepting, bypassing, or plain ignore others — Or things that they do not want to face.
Here is a common summarized example I have experienced and is taught while growing up: In some Asian culture it is taught and believed that children are born into a household to receive or repay a Karma from previous life to the parents. A “bad” child in a household is because the parents owe the child a Karma from last life for the “wrong” they have done to it. So, it came to collect in this life by making the parents’ life difficult. A “good” child is a soul that owes the parents.
Thus, the parents can “rightfully” treat the good child with neglect and abuse because they believe the child owe it to them. Then turn around and treat the bad child good, no matter what wrongs that child does. They write it off and put up with it because they believe they owe it to the child. In a culture that honours elders and parents as Gods, this believe makes it convenience for tradition to continue giving people the inherited “respect” they did not earn. Hence, taught them to use this privilege to abuse their taught-defaulted “rights” to bypass what they did not want to exert the effort in learning.
I have always thought this explanation “messed-up” and does not make any sense. But to some of those parents (and others) I came across that believe in this excuse. It helps them to happily continue to be ignorant to their own lack of parenting skills, own lack of self-awareness, and behaviour. To outsource the blames instead of owning their problem and learn from it. To continue with their arrogant sense of entitlements and status in a culture that teaches and expect you to honour elders and respect parents like Gods — Even irrational, immature, childish, abusive, and unreasonable ones.
Because of this misinterpretation the “good” child seeing how the “bad” child is treated have two choices. Learn from the parents’ ignorant to be bitter and resentful — Or just pain and suffering. Believing their parents do not love them but “filial piety” templated and programmed into them — Conditioned them to give the parents unconditional love. Because they were taught to believe it is their divine obligations and their owed debt. Thus, they are taught to allow themselves to be victims of abuses at the parents’ hands. Because the parents are ignorant of the blessing they are given and do not know how to appreciate it.
In this misinterpretation of Karma there is a lot to lose and little to gain for all involved. The parents learn nothing of the mistakes they have made, and the contribution to the chains of pain and suffering they have caused with their mindless and unaware shallowness. They also excused themselves to be abused, by the child they spoil by catering to the child.
The good child then has a high probability of losing itself to bitterness, resentment, abuse, and neglect. Loosing hope from the suffering they have learned. The bad child learns to continue to be bad and spread pain and suffering through lack of self-awareness. Teaches their bad behaviour onto others around them to continue spreading pain and suffering, until someone wise enough come along to break or change the cycle.
This is just one example that Karma is misunderstood and distorted. How many are there out there, that people continue to embrace as excuses, to bypass and avoid the higher lessons they are here to learn? Despite what I am taught by the people in my environment. I have learned that Karma is not an entitlement. Or an IOU (I owe you) to be collected or received from one soul to another.
To me, Karmas are the “marks of result” and residue of lessons not learned. Thus, to be repeated and retaught until the lessons are understood. Once learned we move on. If not learned, it will repeat itself in different forms, in different trial’s conditions life after life. Remember, each time we bypass our lesson and must be re-taught again in another life, it is harder. Why?
Due to the “veil of forgetfulness” and all the clutters and distraction of the material world. If in our next life something happened before we “awaken” and fully complete the wakening process to remember our spiritual connections. Thus, remember our higher purpose and mission for coming into this life. We will then more likely to become lost to ourselves and we will recess.
To put it bluntly: Recessing then allowed us to be easily susceptible to other lost entities of this world and the lower vibration realm. It makes us easy to be influenced and led — to do what they do, instead of what we are here to do. Hence, the population of those whom obviously “do not make sense”.
We have “free-will” — to an extend. Because of human nature, for some people total “free-will” is dangerous. Some people are not self-aware of the pain and destruction, they can cause both themselves and others around them. Examples are those who choose to suicide before their times, and terrorist who get brainwashed to throw their life away for a cause (like religion).
They have “free-will” and a brain to think on the actions they take — Yet abuse the right to it because they can. Therefore, the consequences of that “free-will” is being stuck in cycles of ignorant and its Karma — life after life until they learn otherwise. Or become forever lost souls, stuck in between realms, timelines, and worlds. Because they were not “awakened” to their higher awareness so they can learn what they are meant to learn.
They block themselves from learning the lessons they needed to “unlock” the “veil of forgetfulness” in that life. Then, they carry the veil with them to the beyond. Hence, they become lost and cannot find their way “home” so they can “reset.” Every time they reincarnated and “die” before they fulfill their higher purpose and mission. Before they achieve their lessons. They move farther away from Source and the deeper they fall into disorientation and the “fog” that keeps them from remembering their true self. Which is the compass that help them navigate existence.
Therefore, the hardest thing about life is living it. Living it means learn what it is trying to teach us. Endure and survive its lessons and be who we are meant to be. Be who our higher self, want us to be. If not, we will fall behind with every re-incarnation. Sometimes, we get so lost beyond our abilities to catch back up until someone comes along to help us break the cycle. Or we wake up from our habitual routine of walking around in circles that gets us no where.
Remember: we are born to die. We are dimensional beings — we came to this existence not to purposelessly exist only in our physical suit. If so, we would all be immortals, and life would not have an expiration.
Side Note: Please do not take my examples from cultures as discriminations, racists, or “picking” on a group of people. I was born “Asian” in this timeline/life to identify, to clarify, and to heal the wounds of that group. Also, it makes me less “discriminative/racist” to be “Asian” and talk about the culture however I see fit — does it not? A “preventative” measure for the close-minded people who cannot see pass the superficial of this realm.
I just want to make it clear in case you have not read any other part of this record. My team of spiritual guardians are of all “ethnicities.” I am beyond grateful for their complete love and guidance. Therefore, I would not dishonour and devalue that love with such complete ignorance and shallowness. It is too great a privilege to be guide and love so completely, by all the representatives of this world’s citizens. I humbly thank them and thank you, for all the experiences and the lessons I have learned and continue to learn as I journey this path.