ASR: B1: Chapter 1: Words alone cannot express what is limited by its definitions
Chapter 1: Words alone cannot express what is limited by its definitions

In a universe where we are always discovering something new and new possibilities come in abundance; how are we to be sure of anything?
Coming from a world of experience, intuition and direct insights into a world of words. I learned that words are powerful — but not enough. It is not a language we can all equally understands.
Recently, I recognized my errors in putting so much faith in the human invention of languages as the prioritized channel of communication. Since I was a child, I have always found languages fascinating, yet very confusing. I find it put too much emphasis on interpretation that are based upon individual perspective, and the word they choose to use — make too big of a difference in how things are perceived. The words itself does not illustrate the experience fully. It complicates what is to be simple because there are too many words meaning the same thing.
Though, I find words and languages, fascinating. I have a hard time comprehending its basic concept and purpose for existing. I was educated in the languages I speak and know. But the whole system of communication using this concept seem unnaturally foreign and awkward to me. It is not a form of communication I am used to, and it cannot translate and express what I know — because I know now, somethings are not meant to be told. It is hard to express an experience fully to someone who have not experience the same thing. Harder still to find the “right” word, for something that could only be experienced. Even if I found the “RIGHT” word to describe what I want to express, you would not understand if you had no experience of your own to associate with the words I am using.
There are many reasons why I should not write this book. But only one to do so: Destiny. I have never looked up its definition, but through experiences let me try to define it for you from my perspective. To me, destiny is a pre-life responsibility you are given, to exercise in this life, for a greater purpose in this dimension. Destiny is when all the choices that we are given to make; result in what we are meant to do in the first place no matter what path we choose to take. We are created to fulfil a purpose and we will do so. No matter how we choose to do things, we will still end up doing what we are meant to do. No number of fights or rebelliousness we choose to put up, will change the outcome of what is meant to be. Destiny is not something that is spring up on us. We instinctively know it from the start. Our whole life is prep for it before we even recognize what it is. Acceptance is never not an option — thus, the result of my life is this book.
You cannot teach someone who does not want to be taught. You cannot make someone listen to what they do not want to hear. You cannot make someone see what they choose not to.
Writing this book is a lesson itself for me; because I write it the way I have lived my whole life: Survive then learn. In this case, write then explain. Often, some of the words that shows up on my screen is beyond my conscious ability to explain until many days, weeks, months and years later when things start to happen that brings back lessons that clarifies it. There are times I feel like I am just the pen, not the writer or author of this book because looking back; I am often surprise by the words that was used. Too often I have to Google up definition of words that have already been written down. While most of the time I spend on this book is to go back and take out my own definitions of the words I have yet to learn. Then, replacing it with the word itself when it came to me in the form of a clarification from a higher source.
Every lesson learned, every trial survived, every exam passed, every revelations made, and every wisdoms understood was experienced and accepted. I took mental notes of all that I was taught and all that I have had to learn to stay alive while in “surviving” mode. But now, this book, forces me to go back and revisit those notes to clarify and understands all that I have been taught into wisdom that I can now share. As my time in this realm grows shorter, in thanks to all those whom I have encountered, who have all taught me so much. I want to give forward their gifts to me as I leave it behind in this book, and in my deeds from today onward on my journey home.

Understanding a word does not mean we understand a situation or an experience fully. People often do not realize that intellectually understanding sometimes can result in a misunderstanding, because words alone, cannot describe the whole experience. The context a word is chosen to be used by one person; does not mean another person will chose to perceive — or can perceive it in the same context.
Terms are meaningless when you have no ground or foundation for it to be based upon. It is hard to truly empathize and sympathize with someone if you have never experience what they have, or at least something similar. Even then, there are factors that will customize your experience and makes it different from those of your fellow peers. Imagination is not the same as experience. The term, “Color” or any term associated to the word, such as: Red, blue, orange, and green. To a blind person who have no prior knowledge of those terms itself, it has no association and does not have meaning. It is irrelevant in their world. A blind person who has never seen an “orange”. Who is not familiar with the term, “orange” — it is not a color, nor is it a fruit. It is simply a meaningless sound that we call a word, until it can be taught and associate to what they can comprehend.
You cannot tell them it is an “orange” and expect them to know what that means. They cannot tell you the visual properties of it using the same term you would use. They would need to invent “terms” and definition for those terms after they investigate the object. Then those newly discovered “terms” need to be translated, agreed upon and taught to the non-visibly impaired person, to create a channel of communication for understanding to happen.
Whereas, a blind individual have to take great caution and care to explore in depth in order to recognize other properties of an orange to assess and learn what it means to them. Thus, it is harder for them to mistaken one object for another. Where a sighted-person can be fooled instantly into eating something poisonous with similar appearance. A blind person’s survival instinct will make sure they take great care in distinguishing every aspect of whatever they consume; because everything in their world that is not familiar is a hazard.
Because we are blessed with sight, we often take our other senses for granted and do not realize that sight alone, cannot project a whole experience. Just as words alone cannot express what is limited by definitions.
I hope to describe and express my experiences as closely as I know how. If it fails to come across the way I mean, I apologize. If we ever have a destined encounter, then maybe you can ask me to explain. Even then, I might fail to explain myself to your understanding. But I feel responsible for my words and what I write. Thus, if you do not understand what I mean than it is obvious that you have not experience what I have. Hence, until you have, you will not understand it no matter how I approach the topic. This is one of my most difficult lesson to learn while growing up. The fancy and often complex characteristics of the human communication system sometimes makes it inefficient and in many ways; makes things more complicated than necessary. At least in my case it was.
For a long a time I was that blind person trying to understand what an “orange” meant to me. While those around me are all visibly gifted with sight and fluent in the languages, I was not familiar with. For much of my life I have tried to use words to describe and understand a truth that cannot be explained by the tools that was available to me. Recently, I realized this error, thus I do not want just anyone editing my work. If someone does not understand something I write or say, I rather they asked me to explain directly.
Too often, we jump to conclusion because we take words too literally. Not realizing all the barriers that associates with it and being mindful to take it into consideration before we start criticizing what is said. We often use our own believes and perspectives as base for bias to explain what someone else personally meant. We are not them, we did not experience what they have, thus we cannot truly understand what they mean. Therefore, to me, it is best to address someone directly for clarifications.
One of my biggest concerns with word while writing this book is people’s receptions of what is said or written. As I said I am not too intimately proficient with words and knowing how people are — I cannot help fearing that I will most likely offend without intending to. Not all wisdom can be express with generous humbleness and be received as open-acceptance, comfort, and kindness. There are many forms and levels of wisdom: Soft wisdom can be expressed and received with open-generosity and love. Medium wisdom can be articulated as humbleness, encouragement, and generously received as care or thoughtfulness. Hard wisdom is a little tricky to articulate with words and difficult for some to truly understand and accept with open pleasantry.
Hard wisdom can be blunt truth — Blunt truth sometimes demand a straightforward approach in its delivery that leaves little room for sensitivities. It can come across as “aggressive”, “brash”, “brute” and “arrogant”. Thus, to sensitives people and people who have not achieved the art of higher acceptance; it will be received as offensive, condescending, and hurtful. Hard wisdom comes from higher learning; thus, it will be stripped of all the mundane world’s extra frills that filters to soften its effect.
Therefore, for those who are not ready for hard wisdom. Please set this book aside. This book is not yet ready for you. It is ok. Everyone grows and mature into themselves at different time. Take the time you need and then come back when you are ready. Because unlike other “spiritualist” you come across. I am not going to censored and filter my words, my lessons, and my conclusions.
Hence, if you are someone sensitive to the use of certain words or way someone express themselves. Or even sensitives and attached to a certain idealism about spirituality and religion. Do not read this book. Because unlike those already popular influencers and coaches, I am not going to censored what I need to say or how I need to say it; to cater to anyone sensitivities. There will be no sugar-coating and no filters.
My higher “training”, purpose and soul mission are not like theirs. They are fulfilling their mission and role by directives they got from their experiences and lessons, which are different from mine. There are many types of people in this world. At all level of achievements. Thus, there needs to be many types of examples to reach populations that does not fall into certain groups. Some can be taught through gentle loving words of encouragement, supports, and hugs. Others, cannot. I, myself, fall into the latter category, so I understand the need for a different example.
We are all here to do the same things just in different ways because we are all different and our needs are different. Hence, there need to be diversity and variety for those who need it. I say again, it is not easy for me to write this book. I have always known what I need to say, but I do not know the words to use to illustrate or express it. Thus, the rough draft of this book takes almost six years to form into its format. A lifetime to even get to that stage. I am not sure if anyone can understand how excruciating it is to write a book, when the things you want to say, you do not know how to say? You write it, while struggling to find the words in your limited vocabulary to illustrated and articulate what you are not even sure can be express?
This book is written in its original form in hundreds of thousands of pieces — as I struggle to find the words to suit the definitions of the things I wanted to express and illustrate. I wrote it using definition of terms I have yet to learn; thus, until the words come to me. I labor over trying to understand what I was trying to say from the reader’s perspective. When the words come randomly, inconveniently and in Divine Time; which is measure in lessons learned and wisdom earned.
Hence, seconds, minutes, days, weeks, months, and years — and even lifetimes does not matter. In Divine Time everything could be instantly clear in a second in one lifetime. But took you many lifetimes before to have come to that clarity. Therefore, my task was pure labour: to have to go back hundreds of times to “fill in the blank”, to connect those thousands of pieces to make it “flow”, while sorting through “clutters” in order to give it form and format.
The worst part of it all is in the fact that: the thoughts only make sense, the words only clarify, and the wisdoms only become appearance — when you are at your most exhausted stage of the day, on the most trying days, and during the most trying of times. A time when your brains feel numb to all conscious thoughts and your eyes can barely be kept open. Thus, you cannot see straight, much less; think straight, to understand the words that suddenly flow so clearly through your mind. With an undeniable need to be acknowledged as they come unbidden to ties together the final illustration that need to be express.
So, if you choose to read this book, please forgive my inexperience and accept my unique structure. Life’s challenges and lessons does not stop; necessities do not appear out of thin air, and bills do not magically disappear just because you are given a higher task to accomplish.