ASR: B1: Chapter 2: ‘reality’ as it was meant to be, and not as it was taught to us
CHAPTER 2: ‘reality’ as it was meant to be, and not as it was taught to us
What is the purpose of this transient stage of existences?
Why do YOU think we come into this world with nothing… and will leave it, as we come into it — with nothing?
For those who are open-minded. Here is my version of the purpose of life. What ‘God’ means to a desperate soul. What humanity truly means from the perspective of an individual born to walk between the boundaries of the world we were taught to know — and a world we are meant to know. Why are we here? Why do we suffer? What are we meant to do?
For those who cannot handle ‘reality’ as it was meant to be, and not as it was taught to us. Please, stop reading. This book is not intended for you just yet.
We know the world beyond death exist, stories passed down from the beginning of humanity such as ghosts, spirits, and Gods are a fact of our existence. It is a simple universal truth across humanity. It matters not what languages, cultures, traditions, races, and religions we believe in. The truth is that the seed of this knowledge is planted into the ground that humanity is built upon and its roots has grown progressively since the beginning of our history. Just because science have yet to study, explain or discover a new type of fish, plants, or micro-organisms — does not meant it does not exist. Even if science cannot explain or duplicate something and “proven” its existence — does not mean it is not real. It is real by the default and undeniable fact that it — exist. Science is a tool for discovery, not an ultimate answer to everything in existence.
Being-mind dominated for eras, “Science” is a great achievement for humanity, but as it is with every great achievement it creates big ego. We allowed this new concept of “science” to complicate what is simply a universal truth. Life existed long before technology, long before “science”, long before “logic”, long before words and social structures that labels, differentiate and discriminate us from each other.
Life’s evolutions and experiences are what gave birth to what we now label as “Science”. A tool that contains procedures and methods to explore and discover what we are curious about. A tool to give us an idea of where we stand upon the greater design. One that we hope can gives us a scale to measure our knowledge and wisdom; so that we can know where we stand in compare the vase universe we belong to.
Life is an evolving stage of existence that will push forward regardless of what we call the tools that help us get to where we are or where we are going. Science and technology are movements that we have adapted to and embraced; they have contributed greatly to this journey. Thus, I can see why we are protective and reluctant to be objective when it comes to things that it cannot answers. Regardless of where we stand, on the perspective of what we believe to be or not to be. Life and death are not concepts, we can choose to adapt to. It is a natural truth that is. It is to be accepted whether you understand it or not, believe it or not. Science cannot discredit and devalue truths that does not need it to be proven.
Science cannot explain all. Nor can it protect you from the things it does not understand. As we grow our world will transform spiritually in ways that will not allow science and technology to totally comprehend nor allows us to hide behind. Science still could not explain the reason why we are here.
Yet, too many of us are exclaiming ourselves experts on the many aspects of life and its purpose for existing. In a realm of unlimited possibilities, given unlimited potentials — we limited ourselves to science? A concept that exists to try to understand only what it can proves and explain. Thus, making science just another word limited by our definition of it. In a world so limited how can we hope to advance beyond its borders?
There are those out there refusing to believe that our journey continue beyond death. And others, that believes passionately in illusions that means nothing. We spend lot of time looking for answers to some of our life’s questions; externally. When the answers has always been internal.
So why are we here? Why are we all so different from each other? Why do we suffer? Why does some people have so much and others so little? Why does life sometimes corner us and forces hard choices upon us? What is the point of living if we are only going to die? What is the point of achieving — if in the end, death equalize us all? So, what is the purpose and point of this mundane existence?
Think. The higher power created us and all things in our universe. What does our creator need with your devotions, prayers, and pilgrimage? With your declaration of faith and devotion? What does our creator need with your donation of riches? With the power to give us life, amazing abilities, and intelligent. What does our creator need with worshipers? If our creator wanted servants; would it not be more efficient to just create one perfect being and then make carbon copy of that one person? If our creator wanted to be our ruler; would it not makes more sense to program everyone to think alike and be alike and obey every command? So why are we here? Why are there so many of us? Why such diversity and variation?
Our science teaches us how things are manifest tangibly, but not why. While our religions teach hope based on believes to fill in where science is limited. So why are we here? Why given so many choices and shown so much temptations and possibilities? We all know at the end — death is the equalizer. That it does not matter how much we have materially accumulated — we come into this world with nothing — and we will leave it as we come into it — with nothing.
So why are we here?
There are many versions of the story of creations out there. I do not know them all, I do not even remember the couple that I do know in detail. I guess that is a good thing because my version is uninfluenced by what has been pre-taught. A fresh perspective unmarred by tradition and twisted by time.
Everything that I have learned, everything that I went through, every trial I have survived lead me to this version of the story of creation and its purpose.
I believe we are an entity not of this world; born into it like a child send off to boarding school. Incomplete by lack of experiences and wisdom, so we are sent off on an educational journey to test our potential and earn the wisdom of our creator. Along the way, our journey to wisdom becomes too exhausting, too hard for us to carry on. So, as we journey through the desert of knowledge, away from comfort and home. The deprivation of the essence that sustain our body and fuel our minds, left us hallucinating, and delusional. So, we start to accept lies as true and truth as lies, because it is easier to accept an illusion of success than to accept the disappointment of failures.
We started off with great hope and confident; and maybe, even great ego because we know we are created with unlimited potential. Looking at our creator, we know we are capable of one day reaching that greatness or even surpassing it. The naiveté and vitality of youth made us arrogantly un-aware and ignorant of the long harsh journey that was taken by our creator to reach those potential. As we travel the road ourselves; we experience trials that disheartened us. Lack of wisdom and initial ego made our thoughts of failures unbearable. In our naivety we became lost to that ego and confident, fears then emerged and we create illusions to help us keep it at bay.
Like a child, humanity is lost. Lost in this jungle of illusions we call the physical world. Along the way, we forgot our initial purpose for the journey. Thus, the initial reasons why we have set out upon this path through the desert that led us to our current predicament is lost to us. Our creator saw this and sent rescuer, guides, and reminders. But we are too far gone, too deep in love and obsession with our illusions and habits to give it up. Why would we? When in this jungle of lies, we have full “control” of everything that happens within our world. There is nothing we think we cannot control, predict, create or decide upon.
We are the “Gods” and “Goddesses.” We decide our own rules and laws. We decide who rules us, we decide what to create, and we decide how to use the power we are given. We are the creator here. We are “free” here in this jungle of illusion. So, why go back to the very source that made us feel so inferior in comparison? With such freedom who would want to return to live under the rules and laws of another?
Except we are not; we only think we are free. Each moment we allow ourselves to be “stuck” in this illusion, we are allowing ourselves to be drained of the very essence of our existence. We are dying. Slowly, but surely, we are allowing ourselves to die without even realizing what we are doing. Caught up and lost in the fantasy, we forgot the nourishment we imagined is not the same as the nourishment we need to sustain us.
Like a child made-believing they are an adult, they tried to play dress up but the clothes do not fit right. They live in the fantasy and can mimic and act out some of the actions they saw the adults express. However, they copy the action, but they do not fully understand why the action is expressed in such a way, and what situation calls for such actions. Like that child, humanity got lost in this fantasy. The fantasy is fun, and it is good to be pretending, but it is draining. Because reality is not a truth we can deny forever.
Knowing the dangers that lies on the journey. Why have our creator sent us out on the quest in the first place? Are we so dispensable? So unimportant? Is this punishment?
Our creator has the power to create us; the power to destroy us; the power to control us, and the power to make us submit — if so desired. However, even with all that power, our creator lacks one ability: The ability to free us; free us to be a companion of equality. Free us from our nature and all the components that makes us who we are.
For example, we are naturally born selfish to give us a sense of self, in order to want to survive. Selfishness is a necessity trait, but it can also be dangerous and destructive to our very existence. Selfishness can create desire to preserve or destroy. Thus, to discipline and balance that trait we have to be taught kindness. Taught — not given, because if given we will by nature eventually take it for granted. Thus, there are somethings that just cannot be created. Somethings that can only be taught, learned, and grow into. Something that cannot be given, cannot be stolen, and cannot be understood — if not earned.
We are the children of the source of existence. Our bonds to our creator, and parents is there. Some stronger than others, but there hidden deep within us. Some choose to acknowledge this bond; some choose to ignore it. The choice to accept or deny is up to us. But the truth remains that this bond does exist regardless of our preferences. We are all sons and daughters of the source, and just like any family. Every son and daughter are different; each person is a separate entity in themselves but are all tied together by the same gene and blood that course through our veins.
Thus, regardless of acceptance or denial: We are beings that do not belong to this world — only here temporarily. We are connected to another. Our birth and death are a fact of that statement. We all know this; it is a truth that is deeply programmed into all of us. The knowledge has been passed down since the beginning of humanity. Lost in translation and transition, but there in the myths, legends, and sighting over the centuries that support there is something beyond death. Whether you experience an encounter or not, it exists as a truth beyond you as an individual.
Because we are being that is only here temporarily, I believe that life was created as a boarding school for the soul. A place we are send off to learn what we cannot learn at home. A “reality” we came into for a higher education; like going off to college. Once our education is done. We will return home or move forward and away onto our own path. Our parents send us off to school to learn, but what subject we choose to learn is up to us. Whether we are willing to learn it or not is up to us. Whether we pass or fails is also up to us. Whether the knowledge we acquired is useful or useless depend on us and what we want to do with it.
Like a moral parent, our creator sends us out to free ourselves. The one and only thing that cannot be given. Our creator knows that like any ordinary parents and their children. Children should not be smuggled with attention 24/7. Or be chained to the parents for safe keeping for the parent’s peace of mind. Children are a unique entity in themselves. They need room to grow and spaces to grow into. The lack of room and space will handicap the child and suppress the child from blossoming into the best possible person the child can be.
As with all seeds planted: some will grow, others will not. Some will blossom, some will die from natural causes that are out of the planter’s control. We as children, are like those seeds. Some of us do not always grow into adults because some of us likes to test our limitations and wanders away farther than we are allowed or is ready for. When we do, we sometimes get sick from being lost far too long out in the storm. Our parents have searched for us, found us, but we are too ill to wake up from the fever that we are lost in. Some of us will pass away in our illness never hearing the voices of our parents calling to us, telling us we have been found. Telling us we are loved. Others will hear it — but cannot escape the entrapment of the fever. For it is too comforting in our illusions to let go and make the painful journey back.
Stuck in our illusion and imprisoned in our fears, we see ourselves as unloved, unwanted, and unimportant. While blinded to our parents’ love, deafened to their calls right next to us, and senseless to the touch of their hands holding onto ours. They are begging us to wake up, but we just cannot. Demanding that we open our eyes and see them, but we are too weak to do so. Urging us to feel their presence, their love, and come back to them. But we ignored all the signs as we are lost to the fever that fell upon us.
We brought upon ourselves our fear and desperation but being young and too self-orientated to understand the need to take responsibilities for our own action. For example, if we had not wander off farther than the boundary allowance, we would not end up in this condition. Some of us could not comprehend our parent’s decision for letting us wander off on our own, thus we rebelliously do not want to return. We choose to let ourselves continue to fall through the cracks of ignorant into self-destruction. Because we lack the wisdom to understand that our parents give us space and room to grow; because they love and respect us too much — as our own unique entity, to cripple us with their own personal preferences and needs.
If our parents do not love us so completely, they would put us in locks and chains, and steel walls and solid doors, to keep us safe. To make sure we are safe and never end up here in this stage where they cannot reach us nor protect us from. If they were selfish, they would not be facing the pain of your lost to them. Powerful beings reduced to being powerless.
Sometimes in our inexperience and selfishness, we forget it is not the one making the mistake that hurts the most. It is the one that loves and cares but is forced to stand by helplessly to watch and wait; for the lessons to be over that hurt more. This is a fact not many of us are aware of and have yet to learn from experienced wisdom.
For those beaten down by life — Know: You are love beyond what you can understand. So, hang on, ride the waves, and survive. Because there is a purpose to the tests you are enduring.
Never forget that it is pure unconditional love and not punishment that we are sent into this existence. Our creator as parents, send us off to set us both free to be who we are. So, they can be free to love us without the burden and responsibilities of their roles to us — And we can be free to love them without the taught conditions and expectations of our roles standing in our ways of equality. We are to be their equal. We will be their companion.