ASR: B1: Chapter 4: Real balance — is not “this” or “that”

Andalasia Anon
12 min readMay 23, 2021


CHAPTER 4: Real balance — is not “this” or “that”

If the divines as we call them, do not think themselves above us. Then why do we? Why do we think so little of ourselves and each other? We hurt ourselves by judging, discriminating, and being prejudicial not just to other people, but within ourselves. We look at ourselves and instead of wanting to be a better version of ourselves — A majority of us want to be someone else and something else.

Some of us do not realize that while we are looking at someone else wanting, or with envy, and resentment for having the things we wanted; someone else might be doing the same to us. When we act in such a manner, we are acting like spoiled children instead of the well-loved, well-valued, and respected individual entity that we are created to be. Thus, in my opinions, this is one of the reasons why we suffer.

Recently, I realized that the higher power that creates us give us the things that we do not want to test if we can live with it. It gives those that we encounter the things that we want to test our basic nature and see if we can stay true to the person, we are. Do we let greed and envy dictate who we are — or do we learn to make peace with it?

If you think of it this way life makes a lot of sense. Why we suffer makes a lot of sense. We suffer to build character and our life is designed with intangibles situation and hardship to see if we can stay true to the person, we want to be. Anyone can say they are a “good” person, but when tested by life circumstances, not everyone can be who they say they are.

If all the thoughtful and selfless people are billionaires; there would not be more people suffering poverty than there are people who overindulging in abundance of excessive unnecessaries. Thus, there might not be so much pain and suffering in our world. Yet, why are they not more fortunate? Why are those people the one that suffers the most?

If you think about it, to test a soul’s true nature. It must pass many tests along its journey to spiritual maturity. Thus, maybe it is why we are reincarnated many times; into many different lives; living many different situations.

First, we will be given abundance to test how we handle it. Will abundance be our fall from grace because we learn to be selfish, arrogant, and thoughtless; or will we be selfless, generous, and spread great good. Then, it will be tested with nothing. Will it learn to be appreciative and happy with what it got? Or will it always be looking for more? Believing it deserve more, and doing whatever it takes to get it? Thus, fall from its path by allowing the seductive nature of envy, greed, and bitterness to dictate it?

That is why I think we leave this world as we come into it — with nothing but our soul. A soul enriched with wisdom by our journey — Or corrupted and damned because we fail the tests we are here to take.


In a world born to die. The birth of life is the beginning of death. Death begins the moment life is conceived. The only absolute — is an end — and its beginning.

Why do you think we age and die? Why do you think we grow flaws? We are born perfect, why did not we stay that way? Why do you think we are taught fear?

We are all born into this world susceptible to all forms and type of death. Vulnerable to life unpredictability and things we cannot control. To the unknown factor that exist in the next breath we take. Because we are vulnerable, we are afraid. Fears taught us the need for preservation, which lead to greediness and selfishness. We are greedy for life, we want more than the years we are given, because we are afraid of the darkness and unknown road, we believe lies ahead of us. This fear becomes a dictator of who we are. It dictates our actions and reactions to life’s lessons and tests. Even our values, believes, and perspectives on how we see the environment in which we are emerged in.

At the core foundation of all of us lies a scale we seek to balance. The scales tips when we allow our fears and our ego to gain weight by indulging in temptations and be seduced by illusions. The ability to see clearly is our defense against our addictive nature. It is what inspire discipline to keeps us humbled and grounded to the acceptance of natural wisdom and true balance. When out of balance we are drawn to corruptions and destruction to feed the emptiness that was left in its place. We excuse ourselves with blind “logic” that suits us.

In a world where we give ourselves and our children only two options to choose from: Good or Evil. Heroes or Villains. Heaven or Hell. Negative or Positive. Those who do not think they can be the one; will settle to be the other to seek attention, acceptance, significant or a place to belong. Thus, if our soul really comes into life to examine its true nature to understand wisdoms and achieve true balance. Then Life is a constant test of wills and our ability to accept and reject truths; if those are the only known options being taught.

How can we avoid conflicts and how can we make peace when there is always a battle that lives within us always trying to get out? A battle between good and evil, dark and light, positive and negative. A useless, senseless battle that means nothing because there is no cause and winners in the end. A battle brought to life on a macro-scale in our endless and mindless struggle for freedom — from ourselves.

“Good and evil exist in each of us. We are all evil. We are all good. It is who. We. Are. But how we conduct ourselves is what matters. We are capable of both, but I choose to be none.”

A quote directly from a “dream” I had. The only way to truly stays balanced, as I have taught those in my dream; is the last part of the quote, “choose to be none.” We are equally dark and equally light. There should not be a battle that divides and defines what is not meant to be divided nor defined as two separate parts.

The light in us is very attracted to the darkness that is its other half. In a world where it is divided it will become an obsessive addictions. A craving, that will turn destructive if we do not know what we are craving for to satisfy its needs. In a world where we are being mistaught and programmed to avoid, judge, and be repulsed by the other half of what make something balanced and whole. We create barriers to what we truly seek without knowing it is what we need. Thus, we seek destruction in our ignorant instead of harmony.

When we divided a whole into halves and forces it to fight a battle against itself. Thus, the illusions of rights and wrongs, negative and positive, heroes and villains, Good and bad, God and the Devil, Heaven and Hell is borne. They are all reflections of this battle that lies within each of us. The struggle, the suffering, the endless craving for pain, none of that would ever stop because most of us do not even realize who we are really fighting. What we are fighting for. Out of balance with ourselves. For those who cannot endure the constant discord within themselves, destruction becomes the only option. The only way out. The easier path to choose from.

When we teach, accept, and indulge in only soft and medium wisdom, while limiting ourselves to be exposed to hard wisdom with our “sensibilities” and self-proclaimed entitlements to polarized choices. We limit ourselves to the acceptance of the hard wisdom that help us see things from a more macro instead of micro perspective. How can we see what we are trying to achieve, how can we balance a whole — when we choose to be “stuck” within only the half of it?

Because we have choices, and we choose to polarize those choices to either “easy” or “medium”. We allowed the pains and suffering of life to direct us in picking the easier choice to believe in. In doing so it can seduce us into believing that: The space left open by the choice of bypassing hard wisdom and its acceptance; can easily be substitute by this constant simulation to pick a side to fight our cause. We believe by attaching ourselves to easy ideals, illusions, and our desired believes — it will fill in the emptiness of the space left open by lack of hard wisdom and its acceptance.

But those desires, illusions, and ideals that fills in the emptiness are always hungry for pain and suffering. Because it does not have enough substance to hold itself in place of what is truly being missed. It is constantly in need of re-confirmations and begs us to live biasly, with judgment and clear definition of what everything is — Or must be to compensate for what it does not yet know nor understand. Because without the wisdom of recognizing and understanding what it needs; it feels unstable, insecure, and out of balance.

Thus, we journey our lives to learn, to realize, and to accept that the source is not black or white. BOTH good and evil are born into this world to make our lessons and trails possible. But the question is: How will you nurture its nature? Do you ignorantly spoil rotten and damage the good, because you think it is good enough; thus, you let it lack in its lessons and discontinue its learning? Or do you push and punish it for every little mistakes it makes on its journey to learn because you — yourself, are too ignorant to what you truly teach. Thus, force it to turn “evil” to coop with the consequences of your ignorance, reaction, and treatment of it?

Not many people realize that the test is not in being able to see what is defined as “good” or “evil”, “this” or “that”. It is in how you act, react, accept, and nurture what is given to you. “Good” and “evil” is not the test subjects — you are! Will your bias ignorance, discriminations, prejudices, actions, and reactions allow and forces the “evil” to be caged within itself — Thus, continue to learn only what makes you see it as you define it? Or will you nurture its nature with kindness, acceptances, and generosity. Thus, teaching it to break free from the only limits it knows, to be better than what you define and limit it too?


All things in this existence need maintain. How you maintain it makes a different in how it will be preserved and passed on. In a world based upon the foundation of connection and interaction: causes and effects dictate consequences. And you are the decision maker. Your every actions and reactions matter. Your every conscious thought makes a difference.

So before looking to others to decide who they are, you should know who you truly are — and where you stand in your place of contributing to making that accusation the way you want to see it. It is always easier to look outward than inward. Because we are made with eyes that can see what is in front of us. So, we assume and is taught, that only what we can “see” matters. That only what we can perceive and see with only our physical eyes affects us.

But we are being with inner organs. Those organs, thought we cannot see it with our eyes, is essential and is even more important to us than the outer shell that house it. Flesh and bones protect them, because before advance technology; they are an irreplaceable part of us that determine our continue survival or end. Yet, we emphasis important only on our outer shell. Thus, easier to judge an outsider, but rarely are we mindful enough to see into ourselves. See our own misdeed and actions that lead to how we perceive the world around us.


Many of us, myself included, have mistaken our soul’s yearning for natural balance with the material world idea of perfection. We seek to define perfection, thinking it can be found in the absolute, the superficial, and materials aspects of life that we can achieves. A misguided conception based on the illusion of “truth” we are taught due to our placement and position in this world.

Everyone is made different; is meant to be different. Everyone is unique, it is a fact. If we can all accept this fact — life would be simple and uncomplicated. But we cannot because we are blinded by idealistic programming that feeds, and continuously seduce the darker half of our nature. We do not want to see beyond the illusion we have created for ourselves. In this orderly world we have constructed for ourselves — life’s unpredictability is chaotic. We do not like chaos because we cannot predict nor control it, thus creating vulnerabilities in us that result in fears. For a long time, we have been programmed to think things are only perfect if it is symmetrical, because then it is easy to accept what we have already known and is familiar with. Once you know the one side, you can predict the other. Thus, perfection is the ultimate comforter.

We seek perfection because we believe perfection has an ultimate limit: it is predictable, controllable, and organized. There is an ultimate ending to perfection, thus it is an absolute. Absolutes have clear cut defining lines and limitations — that represent concrete answers; not endless maze of questions that leads us on merry-go-round in circles.

Perfections gives us an illusion of comfort, of being in control because we know there is an end. End to changes, end to learning, end to sufferings, and an end to the sea of unknowns that left us unstable and vulnerable to fear. Perfection gives us closures, something to grasp, and hold onto as we ride this unpredictable roaster coaster call “Life”. When we see something we perceive as perfect; we often do not want to question it, because we are afraid to find out that it is not (example is Religion). Because to some people perfection has an obvious, clear-cut definition — It is the easier goal to place our effort and faith in for those who are afraid to lose what they are currently comfortable with. It makes us feel secure and makes our ego feel more sophisticated and refined to achieve these perceived perfections. Thus, the ultimate ideal concept of perfection, is then a concept that will fail to allow us room to grow and be better than what limits us.

Many people seek “balance” but cannot achieve it its true form. Because, as with most thing in this physical realm — value is based on perspective taught to us, and physical surface we can assess. We often misperceive and define balance as a surface form of symmetrical or relative equality. But it is not, for example: A bar gold and a chuck of rocks. Though they can physically weight the same, most will perceive the gold as more valuable — why? Some rocks are just as hard to find and just as beautiful as gold. Yet, we insisted that gold is the better of the two choices. Why?

Because most of us allowed ourselves to be dictated to. We were taught gold is valuable by someone else’s standard and perspective. We accepted this form of manipulation and brainwashing because it is a comfortable habit to just accept what is easier to perceive by everyone else. Easier to not have to think for ourselves. To not have to see for ourselves. If we are non-judgmental, unbiased, and untaught what we should see and how we should see it. We will see the true unique value of the two are the same. We would appreciate the individual aspects of each element for what it is.

Yin and Yang is another example. It could be view as symmetrical because it is encased in a circle shape to hold its form — but it is not. Black to white, and head to tail, it fills in where the other is needed. In the heart of the darkness is light and in the heart of the light is darkness. It is those complementary forces, not likes forces that drives us. Two “wrongs” does not equal a “right”, nor can it define itself or identify its counterpart.

For complete true balance to be achieved, we need to understand, accept, and wholly embrace the two halves of us that makes us whole. We suffer when we do not understand balance and do not know how to forgive and accept differences due to what we are taught. Due to how we are programmed to use the knowledge we are given. We forget who we are: a compromised being. A being made of multiples parts. When we define, judge, and discriminate the one against the other; we lose that balance. Thus, we suffer because we feel the pain of that separation.



Andalasia Anon
Andalasia Anon

Written by Andalasia Anon

I overheard that I was **destined** to be “Spiritual”. But no anyone ever tells me I can **BE** “Spiritual” coming into life.

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