What Does “Christmas” Mean To A “Spiritualist”

Andalasia Anon
4 min readDec 22, 2021


Happy Holiday Everyone!! Wishing everyone a VERY Merry Christmas!!

This “chapter” is not part of the book. But since it is the holidays, I thought I throw in a “What does ‘Christmas’ mean to me?” More a note to all my readers than a chapter really. Also, to let everyone know I will not be posting new chapters of “A ‘Spiritualist’s’ Record” till after the new year. I am also working on my personal website. I am new to the whole “online thing”. So, please bear with me as I am learning the basics. I mean very basics such as what does “blogging/hastage/twit” means and trying to fit my “new” role into my life. Adapting to accepting and adjusting to embracing who I am and what I am here to do. This is a huge transition for me. Thank you for your patient and understanding!

Now, what Christmas means to me….

Christmas has always been my favorite holiday (though I like all the other ones too😊). To me Christmas has no religious meaning. It is my favorite holiday because to me, it has always mean FREEDOM. Freedom to give LOVE. To be WARM. To share JOY. To express and celebrate all the wonderful feelings, we are capable of. To me this is a time that give us the freedom to love, to care, be kind, and be generous — without restrictions or expectations. A time of magical moments where people open their hearts to loved ones and strangers alike. Where random acts of kindness are freely expressed.

In my opinion, any occasion that celebrates and spread the spirit and joy of kindness, love, warm, and generosity — is worth loving. It does not matter to me what symbol some people choose to attach to the occasion to explain and accept it for themselves. If the underling concept is true. That is all that matters.

“Christmas” is a time to openly give apprications and be thankful to all those who cross our path. A time of strong “connections” to each other, the higher realm, and source. A time to believe in the “miracles” of our human hearts and what it can do if we are not afraid to open it. Not afraid to show it. Not afraid to accept it. Embrace it and allow it to join us together in unity. To connect our physical self to our dimensional self. To live our higher purpose and missions, if only for a few weeks or days.

Over the years, yes Christmas, as well as all the other holidays, have become commercialized. But to me, love has always been its true meaning. I take this time to thank EVERYONE in my life. Everyone who have crossed my path in the past, the present, and the future. Yes, to live life, to learn all it wants to teach us. We cannot avoid being hurt — nor hurting others to be able to be who we are. To learn what we need to learn so we can be wiser and more mindful to the effect we have on each other.

Yes, we have clashed swords and wound each other as we train to become better warriors of life. As warriors on the same team, we do not have to be the bestest of friends. But we do need to be accepting and be able to trust each other during trials. Trust each other to pull back before the training wounds become deadly. Trust ourselves to grow strong and endurable. To stand strong against anyone who tries to truly hurt us. Hence, I take this moment to thank all those in my life for being who they are so I can be who I am.

I especially thank my family and friends for all they have given and taught me. I thank them for sharing who they are so we can grow together. Thank them for sharing their precious moments with me. Thank source and my higher teams for not spoiling me. For giving me everything that I did not know I needed nor wanted. Thank source for giving the people in my life the things they needed to be who they are. For helping us grow into the people we are today. Not completely immune to ignorance and lack of common senses (😉) but more mindful, wiser, accepting, and appreciative of each other’s differences.

I also, thank all my readers for sharing your time reading. For letting me know that finally I am on the right path. That it is OK now to be me. That my journey is not all in vain. If you are single or do not have a family to spend the holidays with. Know, you are not “alone”. Never alone. You currently do not have a physical family — not because you are loved any less. It just means at this current time; you do not need — or has already outgrown the lessons that “family” need to teach you. Or that you need more time to get to know, love, and appreciate yourself first before more people comes into your life. Know, you are love.

Wishing EVERYONE a VERY Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!! Hope Santa bring you all you needed. (Yes, I still and will always believe in “Santa”😉. And his magic. And yes, he is as cool as the Netflix “Christmas Chronicles” series 😊) Love and warm to all.



Andalasia Anon

I overheard that I was **destined** to be “Spiritual”. But no anyone ever tells me I can **BE** “Spiritual” coming into life.